Thursday, January 06, 2005

New Thangs

Behold olds 'thangs' have passed away, .......all things have become 'nu'.
The end of a rather excitng holiday has ended. Officially my quest for knowlegde resumes. Had my first class which was aight, letz just hope things remain the way it is or better.
New Lecturers, new shortyz, new studs and I feel so old. There was this Technology club thingy in school and I seem kindda interested. Finally, I ma beginning to feel that I ma in college. The new lectuerers know how to deliver and everything seems kinnda exciting in the now. Went into ma first class 30minutes late but that wouldn't stop me from garnering all the knowlegde that there was to disperse, I was appointed the Class Rep. again! The MicroComputer lecturer did not wait for the students to elect this time. Responsiblities.
I have to keep this one short. The best is always saved for last or later. Tag along. I have not made any resolutions for the year or semester which is amazingly a short one; but, I have definitely sworn to change. Whether it is for the best or worse, I leave ma playas and hattas to spot the difference. Point is, a change must be eminent.
I had not done so well in my last semester's report. Not even the fact that I happened to be one of the five(5) students that were privilegded to have more than two(2)A's, could make me happy. The fact that I lost my scholarship to a 'B' is most discouraging, but,...itz all good.
I just pray that this short one be at least, exciting.
Got to study smart, work hard and play hard. Thatz ma theme for the semester so help me God. .................paces out.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Hello people.
The end of the year approaches but nothing ain't happening here. It has been the most exciting holiday that I have ever experienced. Friends gone away, family far away. Itz been about sleeping and waking, eating and getting hungry, watching films and acting some myself. I can only thank God for keeping me me life. I think thatz the best thing thatz happening to me this holiday....that I am living.
If I were to say only one prayer for this whole year, I would pray; God let this holiday leave me in one peace. Amen.