Saturday, August 01, 2015

Suspense... Surprise!

I think I might have just stumbled upon a very important perspective to keep a sense of balance in life; think of life's event as a story(good, bad), constructed ONLY with unlimited/limited count of elements of suspense... and surprise!
Appreciate the twists in the arrangement of the elements of suspense and surprise as they unfold, independent of your intent, and perhaps how you influence the story by your initiative and faculty - thoughts, actions, inaction, faith, fear, etc.
You are NOT interested in analyzing the emotion of the story but you are just presently experiencing the unusually elaborate story that has a beginning, and an end.
You can only be awed with the energy of the suspense, or surprised! by the eventual outcome of the event! Big, or small, NOTICE how honestly you react as the twists unfold.
You can create, add and play your script in addition to the one served. But it must ONLY emphasize the suspense, surprise, with, or without, intention to manipulate the script favorably.
Remember that the distractions(suspense and surprise) only serve to hype or roast your story. A good story has a beginning, and an end...
If you feel your story is pretty interesting as you review it consciously,  share it actively in a creative way and NOTICE what happens to your story as your commitment  deepens...
Your story will be told regardless, but your commitment to this exercise can increase the chances that you own the original manuscript...😉

© Ub Matthews @xumenz 2015

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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