Letz start this somewhere. I got a problem. When I got stuffz to write on, I am nowhere the computer, When the flows down, I am clicking away the mouse(perhaps mice) as one just-castrated wierdo, but, Itz all good! I don't need no pat in the back to do this, I just need a good set at home with some global link and I am stunting! That in simple term means, .......Laziness. Tag.
After blabbering around, I haven't still got in touch with ma brains to put into 'bits' what I been thinking about lately. You know what?......This blog thingy is all about ma thoughts(aloud). I feel so exposed everytime I blog here. Seems like I always 'see evil and tell evil'. Seems like this isn't working either so, how about I gossip! Yeah! You know thatz what girls do for fun. When a girl tells you - 'boring-lah!'; it means in the literal sense that you are not being a good gossip mate.
That was by the way. It stuck me today while in Siva's Telekom class. Some people will never get to speak Semi-proper English even though they are going to have to study in English for more than 1095days! Now, the problem might be more of lack of concern on the part of the student than it is of lack of competent of our dear lecturers. We would have to officially learn English Language for a couple of years, after that, we are only going to need to communicate with it. Going by the official study slots might not be sufficient time.
I don't do history but, according to one of the great gurus of the good-old-days; "all languages are spoken with an attitude. Speak English with such!" It is okay not to speak English with 'the' accent but the case of not minding what comes outta our mouth is insulting. Not only to the owners of 'the language' but to those who want to understand what the hell you are talking about too! Every country has their own versions of English and the are rapidly getting patented by the year. The point is just to create something that sounds "ours!" and is supposedly easier to comprehend.
It might be sound cool in the local scence but, English being a global 'linqua franca', Patented English would not sound as cool as is annoying and stupid. The much time that is put-into learning this 'pigdin' English could be well enough to learn how to communicate in English that is more globally accepted. This is whether or not you are exposed to good learning facilities. The further we want to alienate English Language, the more it becomes pertinent that we know at least the basics if not more! This makes for better understanding and tolerance. How could you tolerate someone you can't understand? That was a whole turn missed. I must have gone rounds and round.
It has come down to the fact that in our schools, knowledge cannot be dissipated the way it should.How could it be? the knowledge 'banks' are not able to share their knowledge in a language that is understood by their subjects....pardon me! - Students. I took out time to take a mind survey and found out that people won't just get it! How could they? The little time the could use it for practice, they ain't using it properly. The other times they are 'patriotically' chatting away their local languages that might not need more practice to perfect. This is 'cool' though, maybe a l'll bit frustrating when you are outta the hood.
Maybe not as annoying as having the lecturer you are paying to sell-off some knowledge, explain stuffz to you in some strange langauge when English is supposed to be the tool. You feel like throwing punches when you hear this packets of 'fake' English combine into noise in a Telekom class....tsk! As much as we would love to push the blame on some other person, learning is a very personal thing. If you do not put in much effort in acquiring knowledge, you might just remain there!....you know where! Remember, the Cow can be taken to the pub but it can't be forced to drink. Poof!..... You wanna speak better semi-English, you'll either have to be born with it or, get down with a bit of learning.
....and itz not just speaking English, itz about doing so with an attitude....'an' accent. Except your folks 'really' care, you might not learn it your whole life. You've gotta stand up and take a challenge. I remember buying some good "english' movies and adopting one of the characters there. Thriving to speak and 'carry' myself as them. It paid off!
This blog could make a best-selling book *hahahaha!*, but, I am having this feeling that you might be as bored to read this shit as I am bored to write. So, "wan take a break lah?"
"We continue from here arh! can or not?". 'Can!....so see you next time wan'
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