Thursday, April 07, 2005

Body talks

I have cause to be happy these few days. I always thought I was fat(hahahaha) when two or more people who are so concerned about 'these' things confirmed that me looked skinny, It qualified more like a compliment than it was insult. "Don't take it personal, just being honest" How could I be angry that I am 'skinny'? The adjective was pretty naive but all the same the message was perfervectly(sic) clear - I ain't got lose meat! hahaha.
Itz all good. I used to hear this from ma Mom so Itz like a revisited tale. In the 'Slim-fit' age would I asked for anything less? I wonder if this 'skinny' thing has been making the rounds cause ma housemate just purchased a 'Maximum weight Gain' formula milk...poor thing!
Speaking of gaining weight, I think that I am a fat enough 72kg guy with 180cm frame. Isn't that the ideal body index? I am on this diet; eat less in the day and as much as you can in the night and early morning. Thatz ma secret! You don't gain an ounce this way.
Writing about this crap made me check up the meaning of the word 'skinny'. This I did to make this entry lenghtier as I am not a expert on trivial matters. According to an online dictionary, Skinny was defined to be having unattractive thinness; eg."a child with skinny freckled legs"; "a long scrawny neck"
Looking at this technically, I don't think it qualifies me in anyway as I am sooooo attractive... ahahaha. Wait until I attract you, you'd wish I didn't. I thought "Slim" would do but it doesn't either. We normally invent words for this type of situation. ATHLETIC! I could do with that. I am athletic. If you still think I am 'skinny', wait until you see ma homeyz.

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