Thursday, May 26, 2005


I thought as much. Many peoplez asses were going to be fried and it did! The first ever all-round Engineering meeting since I joined the skool occured today and there are many developments that I put into pulp and ink. I ma about to covert it to bits...tag.
As usual, we started "pricisely" late. I used the words because, I am trying to live the talk. Pardon me! "If you are in the 2nd semester, can you rise up your hands please?"....this is the kind of grammar you might be hit with when some wonderful lecturers and students pick the Mic. This was going to be interesting. I grabbed an ink from some dude and started scribbling...Gosh! there was so much to jot. "People go to DISASTED places" Shakespear hasn't started!
I think ma blog would do well as a gossip spot too so girls...bite me!
The first shock I got was not the vast number of Engineering students which was surprising as well; it was the fact that there were females in ma school, even pretty ones too! I should think that most of them just joined or are almost graduating. Prior to these, I never got any inkling. Counting roughly, I think I settled with an average of 15 daughters in a school of more than 300 students. Isn't that amazing!
The agenda was just to inform us of their intention to make life more 'pleasant' to us here in the college by sipping away any small change that they left dangling in we wallets. Joining the Engineering society is not only compulsory, it is 5bucks! Our well-designed beautiful Uniform is going to be enforced within the next few weeks at a whooping 60bucks(Govt. tax, exclusive!). I could get a good pair of slacks for the dough yoh! Wonder why they should make things that we are going to pay for compulsory. This is modern robbery yoh! They said that the uniform will curb some mysterious discipline problem that god-knows-whose-mother has.....Peace.
That was pretty much the whole joint. The rest was just to make up for guilt. There was this discipline thing that the dean kept repeating over and over. I couldn't place that yoh! Damn! I was shocked to learn that ma school is owing the Bursary like 350grand! that is not very much as per the number of students but, ermmm...Ma share there is 'bout, 2grand. Little wonder why the niggas are up ma ass like 2grand can fix ma shit!
Nu shit-head policies were made and read out to us and our comment was not much welcomed as what has been will be. Dem niggas even said that students whose brains worked only in the night, will be deprived of the priviledge of resittin for thier flawed exams.....they gotta retake the whole joint again from the grass. Again, this means, mo money!..hah. They won't even be as patient as they have been. If you don't pay-up shit by the first two weeks of resumption, you are fcuk'd....its that bad.
I'd be asking ma dad to fix is Cell as he might be receiving international calls. Yeah! Ma department has madeit clear that discipline problems even in the form of being more than 15mins late for class will be courriered to the Parents and Guidances. This is to be preceeded by a phone call! Howz that! I'd be so glad to make 'em doiyt. Perhaps the cost of studying 'overseas' might be off-setted by some chilling international calls. Dad, I'll keep ya Cell beeping.

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