Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Good Friday

Good friday this year for me came on a wednesday! Kindda unique not just because it is the 26th, which happens to be my homeboy's bday, unique events did actually take place today! I couldnt help it but tell to whoever dared to listen that it was a good day indeed, honestly!
Started out contemplating waking up or continuing good sleep in the Horner's guest room, ended up running 20km/hr for about 10mins at the clubhouse gym, very exhausting! God meeting my immediate needs to, very important phone calls coming through, to dissapointments turning into blessings, etc etc.
This is my way of saying 'thank you' to the big man for giving me such a fulfilling day, I am so grateful! It was like I could get anything I asked for, too bad I only realised this when the day was almost running out. tommorow is a better day!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My drive

The month of march is slowly marching away, it has been a very exciting ride...a very rewarding month I must say. It has been such that I count every thing that happened this period, good and bad as being good. I am that grateful.
Slowly things are falling back into shape and living is becoming more and more something to look forward to. Yeah, I lost a priceless treasure, a 2GB removable disk full of my undocumented writeups, lyrics and poems. Put up a 5oo bucks reward for the thief that returns it, that is like 10 times the value of an nu drive but ....tsk!
What broke me most was my lyrics, I had like more than a 3-album length, tight material for a debut album that was scheduled to commence recording as soon as I moved in and settled down but, all things work together for goood....
I had a few tears but they are words and they will come again. I just pray for the patience and dedication to pen them down the good ol-fashioned way as the come. Technology will not have me the second time.
Well, the phone lines are installed again, and the internet is up, I can look forward to utilise the good energy that abounds bountifully now and make me into me, the real me.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

still changing

finally, I moved! It has been very consuming but I found help and strength to deal with 'em. 'old things have been recycled, behold! all things are becoming new'!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Marching on!

I can almost say now without wavering that a brand new chapter had begun in my life. It began even before I was aware of it, in the comfort and solitude of my bedroom on the eve of 2008. Maybe it was waiting for me to relax and let things run course. This is exactly what I am poised to do, so far, I have minute regrets.
I have been marching higher and higher and things are becoming clearer and I can almost see an end-product.
I feel like most my arrears of prayers are being answered in a hurry.. So much so that I have little or no time to deal with the answers. But I wouldnt need to do that cos,one of the ónly 'resolutions' I made for this year was to compromise and go with the flow, letting nothing slow me or take me unawares except success...I ain't counting my eggs before the hatch but I can say that, i am sure counting them as they hatch.
I am only hinting, with the pace things are happening, I will be forced to change my prayer topics to somethings more dramatic. Iwanna ask the question, why did it have to wait that long but I guess things are just running due course, anywho, Yak Ubong Anyie Abasi!