The month of march is slowly marching away, it has been a very exciting ride...a very rewarding month I must say. It has been such that I count every thing that happened this period, good and bad as being good. I am that grateful.
Slowly things are falling back into shape and living is becoming more and more something to look forward to. Yeah, I lost a priceless treasure, a 2GB removable disk full of my undocumented writeups, lyrics and poems. Put up a 5oo bucks reward for the thief that returns it, that is like 10 times the value of an nu drive but ....tsk!
What broke me most was my lyrics, I had like more than a 3-album length, tight material for a debut album that was scheduled to commence recording as soon as I moved in and settled down but, all things work together for goood....
I had a few tears but they are words and they will come again. I just pray for the patience and dedication to pen them down the good ol-fashioned way as the come. Technology will not have me the second time.
Well, the phone lines are installed again, and the internet is up, I can look forward to utilise the good energy that abounds bountifully now and make me into me, the real me.
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