I would give today a sizeable mark if I were to score 'em. The fact that my first class was cancelled didn't mean a thing. I used the free time rather wisely, talking to friends I have not seen in a long while and doing stuff. A bunch of buds have been showing me love lately and this helps me to overcome the shrills of home-sickness....I miss mum!
Mr Fu's class was rather dull today...I had been looking forward to it but a few characters kept me so distracted. I managed to get in some wits before I blanked out. It seemed like the day was rather short of moved faster than usual cos' all the activities came to a halt after what seemed like a minute. Sat back with homies and yapped......then J came along.
J'z a gracious girl...not. She had the phrase 'graciousness is a virtue' on her limbs and thought to think about it. Walked her to 'pi'....(she keeps 'piiing' all da time) and talked about god-knows-what for some time as she made some free style writings on ma paper( she damn has a thing for arts...plus..she sings damn well)......then daddy called. She struted away and I had to out too. I kindda grabbed a lot about her during the rather short meet. Things like her Chinese name....'su - mei' and the fact that she actually hasn't quit smokes(smokingz bad for your health sweetheart....don't you grab?). I wouldn't want to dwell much on J but she could be a bit interesting to be with...sometimes.
So is graciousness really a virtue? We'll talk about this later. You guys think about it for a minute...I gat a mid-term Exams to study for...chao!
UBITCH!!! *lol* thx for the company. and graciousness IS a virtue. that i possess of course! *muackZ*
I told you to read an article only.....did yu trespass? Ne wayz...I'll always be there if you ever need my boring company...remain a bad...pardon gracious girl aight!
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