Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I was about outing when I remembered this rather funny-fanny incident.
I am fated to be with this pretty shorty I meet over the weekend at a B-day Party in the escalator alongside other humans and this conversation ensues:

  • Ub: Hey!......How are you?
  • Shorty: *blurr!*....em....fine.....you?
  • Ub: I am great!( I lied!)
  • Shorty: How was the night?......did you enjoy it?
  • Ub: .......*what!*....errmmm....Yep. You'd betI did!...It was pretty great!
  • Shorty: ...I am getting off this floor.
  • Ub: Aight. Have fun! Be seeing you around.
  • Shorty: You too!

Sounds pretty much likeany normal conversation doesn't it? But,...ermmm I got this scary looks from the other occupants of the escalator. They must have probably wondered...~This player!.....They really must have had a great night!#$%~

She might have had no idea what people thought she meant, but,

Isn't it funny how virgin-innocent conversation sounds kindda "dirty"? Now, I got to explain to this faggards that 'there was no night to enjoy!"

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