There was this break in transmission for a while. My silly project and other issues are having the best of ma sweet time. Every damn thing has been put on hold till further notice. God has been wonderful to me the past couple of weeks though....that I could go on and on despite the hurdles. I have had to deal with playa hatas, they came right under ma nose and it took discretion to be able to decipher it. Itz all good! what fun is life without these hatas around yoh!
I have totally neglected ma studies and have embarked on a spending spree may God help me. Ma project is on the verge of being completed. I would have done this earlier on if there was an Electronic component shop around ma assumed hood.
Lotta prospects are popping up and I am doing a whole different game in itz entirety. If the changes are eminent, bite me!
Like in the middle of all this drama there exists a one-week study break. It could have tarried awhile. It is supposed to be a blessing but ma lazy ass does not need a impromptu break now. I have even lost ma enthusiam to write.....peace out!
Take a deep breath and go back to working on your project till you finish it. Then, list down and prioritize what you need to get done and then do it! Remember, mind over matter. Don't get distracted with what is irrelevant.
Gracios sweetheart! Itz been a while since I had this sorta admonitions. I'll heed to it.
I still have time to lepak! letz get together soon...hahahaa
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