Friday, August 26, 2005

..I got it.

The bus driver zoomed off when I almost got in and I cursed. I did not know that he was making me available to be an angel for some apparently drunk Chinese dude. I bet he must have been the one who threw a can of empty Soda at me once but that frizzled ma mind after the whole show.
Pacing about I here this screech then a crash! As I held this unconscious man in ma hands, all I could pray for was "God dont quench him in ma hands". After a few calls and bouts of inhaling stale alcohol, he started back. The funny part was that the man refused a ride in a car home apparently because he too cared for his half-bashed motor-bike, not even when some other dude offered to ride it to his house for him. Lifez not fair, don't assume it to be!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

On the pages!

At last I am in the news baby! Itz exciting seeing the circumstances that surrounded ma almost-victory. It all started with the hunger for a high clas-top brand Cell phone. I spotted the advert and said 'trying don't hurt does it? Apparently it doesn't! Up till now I have been browsing through websites and mobile shops to find the exact value of ma victory until today when somebody congratulated me for appearing in the news. It appears that I am not the only one that is getting the publicity, Ma college, ma familty and ma country should definitely be proud of me as their ambassadors respectively.
I was stunned to learn the tag on ma baby is a whooping RM599! Wow! It is hard but seeing that brother needs dough, I ma hit the auction tables babe. This is really cool, and matter of factly, it is just the beginning of 'amazing escapades'. More stories will appear in the national dalies but here is one that I found on an online copy. Check the bruder out!

Friday, August 19, 2005

count ya blessings....

I am getting used to waking up with this lucky feeling I guess. I had pin-pointed today to be a great day and not even the early morning rain could douse that. I saw it as a rain of blessings and hell yeah, it was!
I had a few change from yesterday so I hijacked a cab to Panasonic office. I had a call that I was one of the winners of something so I was there to see what it really was. I loaded maself with a very sumptous breakfast at home that when offered tea, I almost refused. Waiting for time was a bore so, I catch up with some games on ma dipilladidating Cell.
I will round up todayz testimonies with this list. I ain't time to play with words as I feel now.
  • I had enough dough to cab to and fro a distance of more than 10km.
  • I won a Panasonic SV-MP500V digital Audio Player
  • I had my first press conference( apparently, I'll be appearing in the news baby!)
  • My cargo arrived from home
  • I got a gud deal out of some stunts that I have been pulling
  • I got daily bread with 50
  • A business proposal is in the offing
  • Made a love connection
  • Got a ride!
  • hahaha...I will countinue counting ma blessings, it doesn't come any worse than this no more!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I have been blurping about how gud I am having it lately and I tell you, I mince not words. I think the lotz are falling for me in the right places. The only bad thing that has happened lately was that I did not get grades as gud as I envisaged but that was not too bad to get a scholarship. I am so optimistic and full of faith that, nothing will really move me anymore. The much I've had is a grave of testmionies already and I won't let any tell-a-tales detter me from reaching out to the next level.....there is always a higher calling.
...and, I will see you there!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Letz see how to define this Day. Ma housemate says itz a bad luck day when all the mishaps in the world occurs to one person in a fraction of hours. Not bad! we learnt to expect it somehow!
I never believe him when he says itz a 'bad' Day because from ma definition, all days are good and equal, some days are just more equal than others.
A frenzy of events have occured to prompt us to label this day like, Ma buddyz gf 'acting -up' to me not doing as well as I envisaged in ma exams to shitz and stuffz.
Last Tuesday was a turning point. While I was busy cursing everybody that in one way or the other tried to screw ma precious day, one of ma niggas was getting a visa to further his studies in the UK! So, Tuesday is not a bad day afterall!
Ma turn came today, The miracle to many might not be as phenomenal as ma buddy's but, it was not something kI could over look - It was a GREATTTT Day!
It did not start out great but somehow as the day progressed, like folks would say, 'I felt lucky'. I finally got the nerves to mop ma apartment and zoomed to College. The day went on as pretty normal as usual until folks around started acting funny. I was kindda down so when some dude who owed me fifty dropped, that was miracle numero uno'. It went on from very wierd and strange gifts and compliments from folks to a phone call that I was one of the lucky winners in a Panasonic Contest that I am still trying to recall joining. Then another 'deal' was brockered and then another phone call from some top shot to word with me about some confidential stunts, and then a broken relationship mended, and then I loaded ma phone with 10 bucks and had an extra 7.15 bucks added!...... It was more like a recurring thingy and I was too afraid to sleep as I thot I would miss out on others but, as Jah would loveit, the day ended and for this I will really be eternally grateful! I think I am 'hot' now, I just hope I folks will begin to tap-in and get a feel of this dynamic escapades. I am so thrilled I wanna share!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


For the past couple of months, I have been enjoying 'the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living'. It has been so a fairy tale, something that I will live to tell. Therez been a couple of ups and downs but overly, Godz grace had abounded to me so bountifully. Things have not really gone the way I envisaged but it could have been better.
My semester results has been one of ma daily concerns. I keep on praying 'LOrd, let not me expectation be cut off' but, It almost was!
I think this is the worse result i've had since I joined college. I feel so ashamed and like crying. I could have done much much better. I think the lecturers have some explanations to make for not giving me at least 5As. Not even the generous B+s can be consoling...I consider maself to have failed as far as this semester is concerned. I see the chance of getting the merit scholarship swindle into thin air but I am nonetheless still very optimistic. I am moving to the next level of ma life as such a speed that baffles me.....'nething can happen.
I am very bad at handling dissapointment and defeat. I either sulk, babble, or mega-sleeep on it. I won't do any of those except this. People think I am crazy that with ma 'good' result I am not still satiated....I think I am....I just have stupendously tall dreams. It keeps me on track at least. I hope that my will grow up to the challenge as well.
I gotta gerrout 'o ....I got a lot of drinking to do to douse this feeling of worthfullness. Ma goals have been set and the 'Interrupt Service Routine' has been turned off. Delays don't matter as long as ma wish is ma command......hahahahaa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Folks nowadays have various ways of proving a point to you. You just wanna be careful so you don't miss out on the original message being sent across. For some 'seemingly sane Chinese dude', He proved to me that he was an riding a 1500cc motor bike by throwing an empty can of Sprite at me while I was waiting for the Commuter bus in front of m a College. I wonder why he took so much trouble in proving a fact that was so obvious. Maybe I missed the message.
It was a good day because, I was in this mood where I would have broken his arms had he been stuck in the traffic for two minutes. I don't hate what he did because, I don't clean the streets - If I did I would demand to be paid but, I just hate it when people try so hard to prove salient-obvious drives me nuttyz

Monday, August 01, 2005

Restroom peeps

I thought 'restroom' tales was only common in the 'Ladies' until today. You how when yu get in College restrooms, you just wanna mind ya 'business' and get out in the shortest possible time to avoid being swallowed by the stench and some dude walks in and out of the blues asks about your nationality? Hmm...I don't know what triggered the 'dumb' question but I was reluctant to give him 'ne answers. Maybe that was his cue to start a 'toilet' conversation but I knew better and gave him a quick answer before bolting out.
I did not take any offence but this insulting habit of folks walking up to you and out-of-the-blues ask personal questions without any tint of courtesy- as if you owe them answers is becoming incessant and I will deal with it as such. Dumb!