Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Letz see how to define this Day. Ma housemate says itz a bad luck day when all the mishaps in the world occurs to one person in a fraction of hours. Not bad! we learnt to expect it somehow!
I never believe him when he says itz a 'bad' Day because from ma definition, all days are good and equal, some days are just more equal than others.
A frenzy of events have occured to prompt us to label this day like, Ma buddyz gf 'acting -up' to me not doing as well as I envisaged in ma exams to shitz and stuffz.
Last Tuesday was a turning point. While I was busy cursing everybody that in one way or the other tried to screw ma precious day, one of ma niggas was getting a visa to further his studies in the UK! So, Tuesday is not a bad day afterall!
Ma turn came today, The miracle to many might not be as phenomenal as ma buddy's but, it was not something kI could over look - It was a GREATTTT Day!
It did not start out great but somehow as the day progressed, like folks would say, 'I felt lucky'. I finally got the nerves to mop ma apartment and zoomed to College. The day went on as pretty normal as usual until folks around started acting funny. I was kindda down so when some dude who owed me fifty dropped, that was miracle numero uno'. It went on from very wierd and strange gifts and compliments from folks to a phone call that I was one of the lucky winners in a Panasonic Contest that I am still trying to recall joining. Then another 'deal' was brockered and then another phone call from some top shot to word with me about some confidential stunts, and then a broken relationship mended, and then I loaded ma phone with 10 bucks and had an extra 7.15 bucks added!...... It was more like a recurring thingy and I was too afraid to sleep as I thot I would miss out on others but, as Jah would loveit, the day ended and for this I will really be eternally grateful! I think I am 'hot' now, I just hope I folks will begin to tap-in and get a feel of this dynamic escapades. I am so thrilled I wanna share!

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