Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Folks nowadays have various ways of proving a point to you. You just wanna be careful so you don't miss out on the original message being sent across. For some 'seemingly sane Chinese dude', He proved to me that he was an riding a 1500cc motor bike by throwing an empty can of Sprite at me while I was waiting for the Commuter bus in front of m a College. I wonder why he took so much trouble in proving a fact that was so obvious. Maybe I missed the message.
It was a good day because, I was in this mood where I would have broken his arms had he been stuck in the traffic for two minutes. I don't hate what he did because, I don't clean the streets - If I did I would demand to be paid but, I just hate it when people try so hard to prove salient-obvious drives me nuttyz

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