Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A good turn deserves another

The long holidays is over but thots of failure kept bugging ma mind. I prayed and wished upon the stars and had exactly what I prayed and hoped for - Hope!
Everybody are tryin' to catch up on the stories that the lost for more than one week now due to the break so, telling folks to stop making noise in class was a very unwelcome idea. In between classes I got on very high with this ping-pong game. I got so good that I played for hours and was sweating very profusely.
Like favor that comes only from above, I asked for a fresh job to do today aside the ritualistic ones and immediately the words dropped from ma mouth....I got it!
Then I went to see ma lecturer regarding ma grades which I thought I was failing, then I had the surprise of ma life, my 'good old deeds' were still living somewhere and with Godz grace I am still in the running for an 'A'!
I can't be more excited! Then Like what I learnt today from ma wisdom book, an opportunity presented itself for me to be an angel and I acted it almost as perfectly. I am a thrilled. I can ride on the wings of this happenings. Who said I can't reach for the starz?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Coming Home...

The quest for independence has un-deared me and ma beloved blog...nah! I think it is the lack of connection at ma leisure cos I now do it the old fashioned way....offline.
Itz been like ages since I posted here, I have got like gigabytes of archived data to upload though that is very unlikely. The journey to independence has been very rewarding. I am yet to achieve this status in every sense of the word but ma optimism has not been weaned in no way.
I resume with full force....pretty soon...letz hope

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I certified today as a gud day!
It is not everyday that you open up your email and have three HOT things send you a message saying you are HOT and want to meet up. I feel like I am dreaming, I swear I almost pied in ma pants. I even had 'em number but I am too afraid to buzz. Letz keep fingers crossed. I am going places baby!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

...in a dayz job

If I say I am one lucky 'SOB', I might be invariabily insulting my maker. I have been on the receiving end for quite a while now that it trips me.
It has become a case of a you-get-what-you-ask-for; and it has been pretty much that. I have made very many outrageous requests maybe due to ma selfishnessor out of the abundance through which I am given to choose from. Itz been exhilarating.
I have been hit very hard on many occassions but only ma bedroom walls and ma bed witness the tears as they escape through ma eyes at the slightest chance. But, Iam better off because God has changed ma tears into wears, for this I give Him thanks.
The favor I am receiving lately has really worked on ma optimism. Iam reaching for the skies and no clouds is gonna hinder ma view. There are things that I dream andlong for that may trigger jeers from peers but that don't matter, I want to see the look on their face when I hit the stars.
As I am speaking now, somebody has offered to accomodate me in a fully furnished apartment at no cost. Where I am staying now at the moment kis a very rare miracle as well. I thank God so much. I sit back and reminisce on the prayers that I have made in the past. One of them was for free accomodation. Yeah! I asked God for it cos' he gave me the freedom to choose and ask. This has been happening like since I came into this town but I failed to notice. Every cent that I paid for a space here is offsetted! The height of it is when one son of the gods gave me a call and said to put up with him at no cost. Another came to ma college and literally paid ma tuition, making the folks at the bursary wonder at the relationship. Then I found out that ma debit in college is over 900 bucks! Getting a job is not going to be ma effort no more as God is placing people there for me, ma relationships are getting better and better. All this happening in one day! Now tell me I was handpicked for seasons of blessings! Itz overwhelming! I once again want to rub-off, the best is yet to come!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


I stare at my screen,
I see prospects
I fiddle with my fingers
I see figures
I get excited,
I receive offers
I took the baits
and became faithless

Friday, August 26, 2005

..I got it.

The bus driver zoomed off when I almost got in and I cursed. I did not know that he was making me available to be an angel for some apparently drunk Chinese dude. I bet he must have been the one who threw a can of empty Soda at me once but that frizzled ma mind after the whole show.
Pacing about I here this screech then a crash! As I held this unconscious man in ma hands, all I could pray for was "God dont quench him in ma hands". After a few calls and bouts of inhaling stale alcohol, he started back. The funny part was that the man refused a ride in a car home apparently because he too cared for his half-bashed motor-bike, not even when some other dude offered to ride it to his house for him. Lifez not fair, don't assume it to be!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

On the pages!

At last I am in the news baby! Itz exciting seeing the circumstances that surrounded ma almost-victory. It all started with the hunger for a high clas-top brand Cell phone. I spotted the advert and said 'trying don't hurt does it? Apparently it doesn't! Up till now I have been browsing through websites and mobile shops to find the exact value of ma victory until today when somebody congratulated me for appearing in the news. It appears that I am not the only one that is getting the publicity, Ma college, ma familty and ma country should definitely be proud of me as their ambassadors respectively.
I was stunned to learn the tag on ma baby is a whooping RM599! Wow! It is hard but seeing that brother needs dough, I ma hit the auction tables babe. This is really cool, and matter of factly, it is just the beginning of 'amazing escapades'. More stories will appear in the national dalies but here is one that I found on an online copy. Check the bruder out! http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/8/23/central/11818664&sec=central

Friday, August 19, 2005

count ya blessings....

I am getting used to waking up with this lucky feeling I guess. I had pin-pointed today to be a great day and not even the early morning rain could douse that. I saw it as a rain of blessings and hell yeah, it was!
I had a few change from yesterday so I hijacked a cab to Panasonic office. I had a call that I was one of the winners of something so I was there to see what it really was. I loaded maself with a very sumptous breakfast at home that when offered tea, I almost refused. Waiting for time was a bore so, I catch up with some games on ma dipilladidating Cell.
I will round up todayz testimonies with this list. I ain't time to play with words as I feel now.
  • I had enough dough to cab to and fro a distance of more than 10km.
  • I won a Panasonic SV-MP500V digital Audio Player
  • I had my first press conference( apparently, I'll be appearing in the news baby!)
  • My cargo arrived from home
  • I got a gud deal out of some stunts that I have been pulling
  • I got daily bread with 50
  • A business proposal is in the offing
  • Made a love connection
  • Got a ride!
  • hahaha...I will countinue counting ma blessings, it doesn't come any worse than this no more!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I have been blurping about how gud I am having it lately and I tell you, I mince not words. I think the lotz are falling for me in the right places. The only bad thing that has happened lately was that I did not get grades as gud as I envisaged but that was not too bad to get a scholarship. I am so optimistic and full of faith that, nothing will really move me anymore. The much I've had is a grave of testmionies already and I won't let any tell-a-tales detter me from reaching out to the next level.....there is always a higher calling.
...and, I will see you there!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Letz see how to define this Day. Ma housemate says itz a bad luck day when all the mishaps in the world occurs to one person in a fraction of hours. Not bad! we learnt to expect it somehow!
I never believe him when he says itz a 'bad' Day because from ma definition, all days are good and equal, some days are just more equal than others.
A frenzy of events have occured to prompt us to label this day like, Ma buddyz gf 'acting -up' to me not doing as well as I envisaged in ma exams to shitz and stuffz.
Last Tuesday was a turning point. While I was busy cursing everybody that in one way or the other tried to screw ma precious day, one of ma niggas was getting a visa to further his studies in the UK! So, Tuesday is not a bad day afterall!
Ma turn came today, The miracle to many might not be as phenomenal as ma buddy's but, it was not something kI could over look - It was a GREATTTT Day!
It did not start out great but somehow as the day progressed, like folks would say, 'I felt lucky'. I finally got the nerves to mop ma apartment and zoomed to College. The day went on as pretty normal as usual until folks around started acting funny. I was kindda down so when some dude who owed me fifty dropped, that was miracle numero uno'. It went on from very wierd and strange gifts and compliments from folks to a phone call that I was one of the lucky winners in a Panasonic Contest that I am still trying to recall joining. Then another 'deal' was brockered and then another phone call from some top shot to word with me about some confidential stunts, and then a broken relationship mended, and then I loaded ma phone with 10 bucks and had an extra 7.15 bucks added!...... It was more like a recurring thingy and I was too afraid to sleep as I thot I would miss out on others but, as Jah would loveit, the day ended and for this I will really be eternally grateful! I think I am 'hot' now, I just hope I folks will begin to tap-in and get a feel of this dynamic escapades. I am so thrilled I wanna share!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


For the past couple of months, I have been enjoying 'the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living'. It has been so memorable....like a fairy tale, something that I will live to tell. Therez been a couple of ups and downs but overly, Godz grace had abounded to me so bountifully. Things have not really gone the way I envisaged but it could have been better.
My semester results has been one of ma daily concerns. I keep on praying 'LOrd, let not me expectation be cut off' but, It almost was!
I think this is the worse result i've had since I joined college. I feel so ashamed and like crying. I could have done much much better. I think the lecturers have some explanations to make for not giving me at least 5As. Not even the generous B+s can be consoling...I consider maself to have failed as far as this semester is concerned. I see the chance of getting the merit scholarship swindle into thin air but I am nonetheless still very optimistic. I am moving to the next level of ma life as such a speed that baffles me.....'nething can happen.
I am very bad at handling dissapointment and defeat. I either sulk, babble, or mega-sleeep on it. I won't do any of those except this. People think I am crazy that with ma 'good' result I am not still satiated....I think I am....I just have stupendously tall dreams. It keeps me on track at least. I hope that my will grow up to the challenge as well.
I gotta gerrout 'o ....I got a lot of drinking to do to douse this feeling of worthfullness. Ma goals have been set and the 'Interrupt Service Routine' has been turned off. Delays don't matter as long as ma wish is ma command......hahahahaa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Folks nowadays have various ways of proving a point to you. You just wanna be careful so you don't miss out on the original message being sent across. For some 'seemingly sane Chinese dude', He proved to me that he was an riding a 1500cc motor bike by throwing an empty can of Sprite at me while I was waiting for the Commuter bus in front of m a College. I wonder why he took so much trouble in proving a fact that was so obvious. Maybe I missed the message.
It was a good day because, I was in this mood where I would have broken his arms had he been stuck in the traffic for two minutes. I don't hate what he did because, I don't clean the streets - If I did I would demand to be paid but, I just hate it when people try so hard to prove salient-obvious points...it drives me nuttyz

Monday, August 01, 2005

Restroom peeps

I thought 'restroom' tales was only common in the 'Ladies' until today. You how when yu get in College restrooms, you just wanna mind ya 'business' and get out in the shortest possible time to avoid being swallowed by the stench and some dude walks in and out of the blues asks about your nationality? Hmm...I don't know what triggered the 'dumb' question but I was reluctant to give him 'ne answers. Maybe that was his cue to start a 'toilet' conversation but I knew better and gave him a quick answer before bolting out.
I did not take any offence but this insulting habit of folks walking up to you and out-of-the-blues ask personal questions without any tint of courtesy- as if you owe them answers is becoming incessant and I will deal with it as such. Dumb!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

'Bon Foetus.

On a chiling Monday summer morning more than two decades ago, I was brought into the world by two adorable and brave folks. I keep seeing these days as the months run into years but this time, it was on a Tuesday!
There was no better place to be away from ma family and loved ones than on a road trip to the Straits of Johor, almost Singapore and Malacca. I almost was not bothered by the fact that no one remembered me, not even to call! I took the initiative and called two folks who happen to be very close to ma heart. I felt relieved after the drool.
I was dreaming of a bleak birthday because everybody that cared were either too busy to give me some time. I thought of getting some ethanol and forgetting about life's miseary for two seconds but, I had a treat! Someone voluntered to drive me around Malaysia for a total of not less than 12hours. Busy clicking away ma digicam at every exciting place, I quickly forgot about every other troubles(taking 379 photos must have been a great job, wonder how I did it!).
Nothing brought me more joy than seeing the historical state in Malaysia for the forst time on ma birthday fully sponsored by some bloke...bless 'em.
Well, the day must have been very long as I almost got bored the remaining part of the B-day but I occupuied maself flexing some muscles at the gym in ma place and cooking me a special dish while watching movies till dawn. It was not the day of ma dreams but I will not forget this B-Day in a hurry!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

tit tats

I got up with every inch of muscle aching thinking of the best way to start the day and keep it gooin'. Getting ready to start the day I grab a pair of scissors and clipped away ma glory again. Therez no much worries as it doesn't take an effort to grow it again. I feel like I had a make over and can't wait to show off. I think I really look different now hope the ladies still recognise me!
Like a seconder the spirit of spending and fancy came over me but too bad! I had only a few tens to spare. Now that it is 'au rovoire, Let us pray....our father who art in heaven hallowed......

Friday, July 22, 2005

in a dayz tale

Yu know when yu live yur life as if there was less purpose to it and you try as much as you can to add the 'virtual' purpose to it, thatz exactly how I feel now.
Been trying to worry less about being bored and face this holiday squarely. I feel like every one I know deserted me so maybe itz time to forge ahead and make nu buddies,....Gosh! I love this game.
I am supposed to be putting ma lazy ass down and having fun but it seems I am working harder than when I was allowed to. I found a perfect routine, get up, do ma business, stroll down to IKEA(damn! this is the most boring part), hop on the bus and get to college. It isn't much fun but at least I am doing something that I am not paying a bomb for!...I come back every day dog-tored and head straight up to the gym in ma condo and flex some muscles. I really pity those who have this as a habit, ma muscles are aching like sht! after just two days.
Ma B-day is coming up in five days tyme and I am not ready to see it yet. All ma buddies are kindda nowhere to be found and it is gonna be amazing celebrating it without 'em.
If there is something that I am enjoying this holiday it is ma crib. I have it all to maself and do whatever I want to without disturbance from 'ny quarters.....It is so peaceful and will really miss this when "His Highness" is back from globe trotting. I gotta bounce....peace!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I left ma crib at 9:30 in the morning to college which is about 6km approximate and 10minutes drive. I arrived college at 12:30 after spending a total of 50sens on transportation. I did not go anywhere else except follow the course of ma journey. Whatz ma story! Where did the extra time and surplus money originate from?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ordered steps....

Good dayz come in disguise......today was!~
I never knew what was in the offing except that ma house mate was leaving for Saudi Arabia which means that I will be all alone in the house for one month except someone has the effontery to come keep a bruhder company.
The journey started with a cab, thatz the first time that we've used the public transport stystem together. Nigga did not trust me with his car so he took the keys along. My part of the journey was about to end at the Airport express train station. I could not afford the 70bucks round ticket so I had to back-out! A few hugs ang rounds and I was enroute College.
I met these two shortyz that were gonna be instrumental to me earning over a hundred bucks in a few couple of minutes. God knows I needed this as I was on the verge of breaking down. god bless 'em. As if the cheque of over a hundred bucks was not enough, Some big sister lurved me with 100bucks cash! I ma just stock up the frigde cos I will need to beat the famine thatz trying to surface...MUM!
You know those days when you think that you are "lucky" and you lust to garneer all there is to it? .."This is the day that the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it".
I sense these wind that will bring me a lotta playas and hatas blowing ma direction. I dunno if it is gonna be a birthday treat but, today was a very good day!


Like a harnattan in Malaysia, it suddendly dawned on me that more than half of the people that have made ma stay here in the country worthwhile are gone or almost gone. Some are yet to return but some don't have any plans to. I am so so so bored but don't let 'em know!
The list goes thus,
  • The Oksenholts,....ma second family- gone to Norway in batches
  • Pablo, some mexican dude - off to Russia
  • Iris, Pabloz mum- be leaving too
  • Ricardo, Ma buddy and housemate - enroute Saudi and Syria
  • The Ross', an adoring family - gone to Dubai and the Philipines
  • Ivy, Ma mate's Mate- gone to China
  • Daenielle, some sweet girl I met in college - off to California
  • the list goes on and on but, I gotta stop here before the tears start drooling.

I feel like I am totally alone now...maybe these guyz made me not miss ma family. I am really missing them now. I gotta occupy ma self with something serious or I might really breakdown. Maybe a terminal gurlfriend, maybe no.....

Saturday, July 16, 2005

tots 4 2day!

...what would it take to make me hate you?........Me.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Itz finally over! There is cause for celebration although I fared badly in the last paper. Well, I did ma part. I can only hope that miracles happen especially with todayz paper. I am not feeling 'ne confidence in what I did.
Kindda feeling down, something I really wanted to avoid. I thank God so much that he let me go through all these victoriously though! Iam bewildered that I did not break down in the face of adversity and can still walk up tall and gay. I may not keep ma promise of all A's but, I sure won't be repeating any of those courses and that is something to be happy 'bout.
I dunno know what tommorrow holds, I don't need to! The person that needs to know knows and thatz all that matters. As at now, I am sinking into some holiday mood. I hope to catch up on sleep I haven't got 'nough doze lately. I need to keep ma hands bz if I have to enjoy this hole-day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


..Todayz exams was very challenging..not difficult as per but, I thank God I studied what I studied, I could use it to keep ma pen travelling at 120km/hr until the exams was over. I am so happy that I could write. Scoring is just a whole different story.
Some lass had me all over the place. I tried to be a good bot but, pssst, she made me look like a fool. I had enough worries over ma upcoming paper but, shorty increased it by keeping ma calculating machine until ma paper was literally over. Itz all good, I used ma brains instead.
I am waiting to see what ma last lecturer has to offer. Bring 'em all on, I am gonna keep ma freak on.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

...for maths

...yet in a little while, ai will be a free man.

offiicially, I have tecnically completed ma requirements to get a diploma in maths from ma prestigious college! For this I ma sure. Though it calls for celebration, I won't yet...not yet,...therez more to come baby! I did not end it on a very good note but I hope that the culture of A's will continue. Pray for me....it can't be any different.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

day II

....and Electronic circuit exams came and went...'A' is in sight and all is fine, and there was evening and ther was morning....the second day!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Part I of ma predicaments is over. It started with a scare but I found ma footing before the sun set. Thanks be to God. Ms Goh is somewhat of a joy killer. She gave me barely half the mark for ma mid-term. She and some other nigga are realy scaring me...they dare not mess up ma result this semester....and I am out of here.

Monday, July 04, 2005


...that dreaded moment is here again. This is nuthin about the American independence...not that ai care less....Itz exams time and all is very well....not. I am drooling ma brains out to make sure that whatever happens, nothing happens. Feel me!
Good people, pray for me bad guyz, I covert your babblings as well. The way things be going, I'll be needing both...peace.

Friday, June 24, 2005


Itz the season in college once more when some folks make resolutions and others hope for changes. You know, coupled with exams, itz the Orientation week and there are a lotta freshies up in da joint. Niggas can't help but hope, dem shortyz have their sweet time choosing too. Well, itz a cycle that will well be over in a jiffy. Itz kindda good, those that acted up will be in top competition now and maybe a few break-ups might set in but,.....again, itz all good..part of da game homies.
The sad and good part is that the competition ain't too fierce yet as many foks are off to some holiday but therez more to come fellas relax and study the frenzy will all wean with a couple 'o 'Ds'.
They come in shades - Black, White, Cacuasians, Faggards, Babies, Wildos there is variety people! We wouldn't need punches for this except where neccessary. As for me, I went out and I am not in. I will see you playas when itz half time......

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


....there is a break in transmission for now. Life is getting better around here and I am enjoying every ounce of it. There are loads on ma mind that I have to post even the post-dated stunts. I will be back to tell of ma stories. God has been WONDERFUL to me the few couple of weeks. LEtz pray this remains and hopefully...get better. PEace!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mma Mma fly away!~

Friends are made without much fuss. You get to a place, see nu folks, get lonely, do your thing but, after a season you realise that you have created a nu niche - a groupe' of people you call buddies and then itz time to bounce! Often times emotions set in and you wish the folks never had to part but as inevitable as this may seem to be, you might get over it sooner than imagined...trust me! It a game and the cycle replays.
I really took friendships for granted..I mean, I do not really have friends but, when the thots of people you have fratenized with over a couple of hours leaving you for an undefined season sets in I am bewildered. When and how it started I throw in the bin, whatz gotta keep is that this doesn't become 'memoirs. I do not take chances now adays and hope that things be the same as they've always been. I only make the kind of friends that I can keep forever or fcuk it! Why waste the whole joint on something that might as well be futile...dig me!
The month of June and early July has always been a month of losing contacts, some for a season, some for as much as life can hide 'em. A couple of 'dearies' have hopped on some airbus and have arrived at some destination that only signals can reach in hours. Norway, Michigan, Califorania, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Phillipines, Canada, and you name them. Them niggas are just leaving me here that I feel so 'lonley!' Other folks are making plans to fly-away too and this has not only made me try to be more useful, but has took me to the throes of reflections.....,I ask maself. "Will folks miss when I am gone somewhere better?" ....this here is a food for shots

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Sunday was a very good day. It coulda been sad as a very good friend and sister was leaving for a whole month, but, we had unbridled, undefined fun.
It did not cross ma mind that there wa this mini-haven of fun right here int he city, I chanced upon it when a friend suggested we hang out there. Straight back from church with ma clothes still on I breezed in the Park with a heave of more than four(4) nationalities represented - Norwegians, Syrian, Phillipinos, Chinese and Nigerian. It was something that I have missed in like years so I not only indulged in frenzy, I saved some memories as well.
The first spot was this make believe Waterfall. It was short-lived as it got turned-off sooner than we expected but it was enough time to get to the crest of the fall and tumble down after losing some grib. For a while I saw maself coming....but when I could feel 'ground' under ma feet again, I knew there must be a God that really loves me. If you hear that fun kills don't doubt it.
Football, money-watching, fishing for fingerlets, trekking, shooting and you name it! Somehow, we stole some show as people couldn't help taking a quick galnce at this multi-national group staging some stunts and laughing away like there was no tommorrow....Well, the hullabooms of the evening continued till dusk when we had to bid farewells and bounce. It wasn't really a sad ending story as we time and chance will surface again. In da mean time, I gotz to fix ma brain for college. I think I am really missing like more than a week's work to stress and fun. Pace out

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Good Manners!

During class, a teacher trying to teach good manners asks the students, one by one "Michael, if you were on a date, having supper with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?" she asked.
"Just a minute, I have to go piss." The teacher replied "That would be rude and impolite!"
"What about you John, how would you say it?"
"I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."
The teacher responded, "That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the table."
"And you Peter, are you able to use your intelligence for once and show us your good manners?"
"I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a moment, I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after supper."
The teacher fainted


Today seems to have a lotta surprises in da offing. Not only did I wake up late and still bloody sleepy, I hiked a cab to college only to find out that there was a quiz on the class I missed for other shit going on.
I told the lecturer but she told me to sit anyway. After browsing through the 3 questions for about 5mins, I decided that the best thing to do was to hand the shit in. Now, thatz the first time in ma whole educational life that I handed in a blank shit of paper. It so embarrasing. The funny thing is that people thought that 'mr. smarty pants' had finished answering all the question under 5mins. Howz that!
I am still determined to face the rest of today and discover what it has in store for me today. Is it a bad day, I'll say NO! I am just having a variation in the turn of events which is a very welcomed development...and, I am out of here.

Friday, June 17, 2005


talking about investing our time wisely, It dawned on me that if our ability to see the nest day was based on how wisely we used our valuable time and did not waste it, then, this would not be cause I won't be around here to write this peace.
Some people live to die while some are dying to live but, do we really deserve what we have? If we lose track of why we were 'made' then the possibilty that we might as well, waste the whole 24hrs is very eminent. The HOLY book has made it clear that our very existence will be marred if we lose love in our hearts. Love for God and towards his creatures. This could be a hard nut to crack as most of the woes we face here on earth are caused by this costly negligence. " ...if we have all the earthly treasures and do not have genuine love, we are worse than infidels!" this is what the holy book reports.
Studies and live have shown that we spend our most of our time on the people and things that we love most. Reverred men have been quoted as saying that the correct spelling of love is T-I-M-E.
We could shield ourselves with the fact that nobody really needs our time so we invest it on irrelevant projects and self gratification. This overly, has its benefits so-to-say but, will the benefits still hold when time will time no more?
I have been learned and agreed that the best way we can spend the precious 24hrs we have is by loving God and his letting this love flow freely towards His creatures. To love demands that we give our time unreservedly to those who need it most. Somebody is gonna die today and would have used our valuable time and love to either survive or let go excitingly. Don't sit on the fence and be selfish towards something that you really don't own. Faunas shower love and affection only on their kind, an evil Evil that has brought calamities to our world. We all came out from Eve didn't we! ..and maybe some people are 'made-in-china!', this I would not find it hard to believe.....Give God, give Love, give TIME daily, itz the real essence of living.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


A lady with reading disability purchases a jar of Cream. As she was gossiping with a friend she'd just met, she introduced a facial product to her new friend that was so effective in exfoliating dead skin cells and asked her friend to try it for her blackheads. On asking to see the brand name so she could place an order for the product, the lady produces a jar of 'exfoliating' cream that she had been using for her face and it read "SALAD CREAM"!



There are a couple of special features that should inspire any goal oriented students to attend ma college. It is non-arguable one of the best not private colleges around the east coast... namean? It has the features of a shopping mall except that some dedicated lecturers are nice enough to bore you with things that are mundane and they find diffiuclt to understand themselves. Features include:

  • A muli-lingual community. (you could learn chinese for free from some leturers who choose the language as their form of knowledge 'dessipication'.
  • A multipurpose cafeteria
  • A smoking zone for puffers
  • A makeshift boutique that you could purchase (or steal some old stock fabrics)
  • Beautiful washrooms cum smoking zone for students who like inhaling the puff with a mixture of Latrine smokes
  • A bursary which only imposes 50bucks per week for unsettled fees
  • A chat cum games room for you to unwind(computer Lab)
  • A cold room filled with both updated and outdated books for you to have siesta should you feel the urge to.
  • A mini Zoo or Pet-hub in the cafeteria to enhance your viewing pleasure as the animals creep around. ( recommended for those with indigestion problems)
  • A bookshop that sells, toys and clothes( you don't have to bring along your teddyz, or bother if yu forgot to wear a shirt).
  • An Engineering lab that vibrates the whole building if the students happen to be building some 'explosives'.
  • A laptop room for you to connect and watch shit should you feel bored with life and classes.
  • LOts of fancy food restuarants in the 4 storeyed college building for you to take your lecturers out for lunch if you sense your grades dropping.

If you've had Dreams that are not Driving well, attend KDU for your dreams to be driven by licensed F1 racers. Thatz our speciality.

A change here is eminent - for better, for worse!


I got paid back in ma own coin. The rigors of primitive marketting dawned on me when ma beloved school put me under the blazing near some rival college supposedly to hand-out pieces of SHit for two hours. Well, brother needs some financing and some change to carry on with so I indulged.
I have this hate for them marketers. Not only do the waste valuable money printing trash, the make the government waste so more money trying to collect 'em while bogging the populace with extraload! what a world?
Stood there like an "idiot" handing out pieces of shit that I had no interest in finding out what was the content. I don't blame the folks that starred at and avoided me like some leprous dude, they either do not like education or failed to see the beauty of the 'make-beleive' pictures that ma school were advertising. Some were stupid enough to receive the joint with a grin while some were just nice enough to diss me....forreal! I couldn't help cursing under ma breath while trying to conceal ma fake smile from drooping..."BITCHES!"
It appeared as if the sun stood still for two hours straight. You know standing under the sun to get paid or was it counting time! It was horrendous! I battled with the thoughts of dumping those shits of paper into some dust bin and chilling out somewhere to check out the beautyz that were struttuing by- aftterall, that'll be ultimate destination of shitz- the Bin. The funny part was that not only did some return the stuff after browsing through it, I saw a handful stashed in a waste bin some meters from ma vantage point.
The lesson I learnt today is '...be good to those you meet on your way up because, you might meet them on ya way off.'

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

..if rats

....soon all the lasses were on top of the table instead of the chairs and screamed at WHAT!
...some bugs...you know these freaky animals that have long tails, nice skin, cute eyes and look like good meat? Yeah! the Rat. Itz a common sight to see them in the college cafeteria now. I spotted one and felt the need to be naughty after a long busy day.....soon all the girls defied pride and modesty and were skimping all around the whole joint. I thought they be fooling but not with the look in their eyes. Tell me a well-natured young lass would sit on top of a dining table in the public for whatever reasons.....nah!
I hate rats too but I'd pretend not to be seeing them in an eatery. But if I was having grilled exotic beef, I'd puke! Who knows if ratz the main stuff on the recipe?

faith in spam!

I decided to be little more lenient and easen the security policy on ma email so that I will not have to filter off likely important messages in the process. I learnt ma lesson!
After about 20mins of deciding to let the messages in ma bulk folder remain for a week before filtering off, I realised that I had about 230 'junk' mails instantly!
There is cause to be mad at this things but, I tend to channel ma frustrations into good positive things now. The amazing thing about spam is the 'optimism' that is involved. I got messages like, "If Arnold Schwarzenegger can do it, you can do it too!"; "Ub - credit no problem!; "Get a pay advance today" and the likes of these shitz. Itz alright to get infatuated once in a while and indulge. I tend not to rule out the fact that not every spam is spam..miracles can happen and you really hit a jackpot from one of these internet 'hulllabooms' but, this I approach as subtily as a reall nigga. I have had ma share of lesson and I learnt it real good.
When you feel like you've lost hope on stuffz. Just logon to one 'o these sites. Fill up the shitty forms, don't pay any 'moderation' fees and hope for something big to hit ya account. If ya ask me,..........I'll say that is FAITH!

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Oight guyz!
I just want to drop this missive to all da playas outta there. You know what? To be in this game, you must know the basics, the concept of playin'.
I have been opportuned to yap with some of the shortyz in which y'll fancied and would wanna go out with. There ain't no problem with that. The problem is, strategise your game in such a manner that if "Crush" does not eventually agree to out with you, you can save ya face.....'namean? You can still be friends with 'em and not feel un-toward toward 'em.
There are many wayz of knowing if Shorty would fancy going out with you even before asking. But, if you decide to take it the old-fashioned way, ask, don't beg or tell.
There are a couple of things that shortyz do which is normal. You gat to give your crush something to talk about when she calls up gossip mates to dissect the day. I respect the guyz no matter what so, when shortyz start blabbing about some guy they hate because nigga apparently asked her out, I just tell 'em it private information and I ain't interested. Niggas you gat hear how sick the make it sound. "Poor thing! Hez such a loser trying to get in ma page"........Men! like you ain't SHIT!
Stop all this drolling over some fake-ass lass that tells you "I will have to think about it..." the mesage is clear. Move on! Maybe it all about the dough,..maybe 'bout da looks too but, if you're a good playa, then you'd know what to substitute. There is no reason to sit around and call this beauties 'Bitches!'.....not that they ain't; this only aggrevates the joint. Be a good guy once in a while even though youmight be accused of flirting. It doesn't hurt much.
Females ar like F-males, they could just like you if you make yaself likeable....namean? Do things like:
  • Brush ya teeth!(man! I can't even talk to some guys....how will the females do?) chew gums or shut up if the stench still ain't drained.
  • get a good, neat, unusual hairstyle sometime....change it a bit often, it makes you fresh and desired.
  • Please take regular shower guys and watch ya skin. (a deodorant doesn't cost a bump if "Your's" is stale).
  • Please smile at the ladies....itz wierd but, Smiling is sending out signals. It might be good ir bad. Just pray she gets the right signal.
  • Don't be an ass around girls just to swoon them. They'd appear to like 'em but be cursing under their breath
  • Lastly, never be more than asshole to ladies you are a total disgrace to manhood.

I ain't gonna tell you what to do about ya crushes but, I'll leave you with this.

  • Know your class and type but leave room for miracles.
  • you are being watched...act like you are!
  • This is a game and you must have ya own gameplan.
  • Never stalk a girl...it freaks her.
  • never date a ho...you'd need a pump
  • fcuk yu for wasting time reading this crap....to get along with the ladies is a gift ya mama should have given yu.

*diclaimer: Information here is professional and writer would be unprofessional enough to whoop ya ass if you diss dem shortyz.

Lastly guys, if you really like a girl, forget about all the 'dos' and 'donts'. Go all out to get her. Give it whatever it takes. forget about the Hatas....the're just playin thier own game.

".................I don't hate Playas', I just don't like the game"

what to say?

Sitted here on a saturday morning trying to hold grisp of ma 6811 Programming skills, I sense recentment then I slowed into blankhood......................

Fcuk! I thought I was going to blog. I had this interesting thing to blog about but I have lost ma RAM momentarily again. Gotta reboot chao!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

..All in a dayz job.

Ever wondered the odd embarrassing things that occur in a single day? They are clueless, they are timely, they are inevitable. Tag.

  1. I got in a cab and found out later that I had no cash in my wallet. Thanks to ATMs.
  2. Walked in late to a strange class and almost took notes when I realised I was in the wrong zone.
  3. Walked half-way to the Post Office and discovered that no only would it be closed for the day, I forgot the documents I was going to send.
  4. My friend washed her hair with some stuff (supposed it to be shampoo) and only realised the mistake in college after she found out that her hair was freckled!
  5. I mistakenly took out a book I had already returned in the Library in a haste and the alarm system blared!
  6. An recurring sms was mistakenly sent to me and I freaked out until the sender replied with a 'Opps! wrong number!'
  7. We got in the way of some folks shooting a drama in college and they started beckoning on us to get out! I did not realise this not even after ma friends stepped aside. I got ma shot though!
  8. Got into the One-stop center in college and for one minute forgot what I was about to say right in front of the staff. Am I a maniac?
  9. After college, I took a cab home and realised half way that I intended to go ma friend's place. Thank God it was still in the way.

.....the list continues but I gotta out...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Some crazy joke

This is so outright funny, stupid and ridiculous tag!
Now, If you ain't a brother 'namean? A Nigerian....don't read this!!!!..I Am watching you now.

A Nigerian Journalist Chats With God (Original Author Unknown )

Dear God, thank you for inviting me to your golden palace. I love it here already. I wish I could stay forever. Maybe, I can get a contract to build one of the streets of gold for you.
You are welcome my son. Don't get used to this place. You are only here for a chat. Now, what can I do for you?
Yes, dear Almighty, I've a burning question on my mind.
What is it, my dear son?
Why did you create the Nigerian?
Oh my son, that is a very good question that I, God Himself, cannot answer. I'm not sure myself. Many people have asked me that question.
Many people?
Who are these people?
Foreigners who have died in Nigeria lured there by 419 scam artists. Most of them have asked why I created the Nigerian because they believe that you people are all corrupt.
Why do you say that?
You see, my son. There is a joke going around in heaven.
A joke?
Yes, my son, a joke about you people, Nigerians.
What is the joke?
Remember the song you used to sing when you were in primary and secondary school?
What song, my father?
The song about "All things bright and beautiful..."
Yes, my God, I remember the song very well. But what I don't understand is that how is that a joke?
Listen my son, this is the joke and I will sing the song for you.
Yes, please go ahead, heavenly father.
Listen carefully;
All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and small. All things wise and wonderful And Nigerians ruined them all.
Oh, that was funny. You mean we Nigerians ruined your creation?
Yes, you people are very corrupt to the point that I'm thinking about finishing all your corrupt leaders as I did with Abacha.
That would be very nice, my God. Our leaders have finished us. I think most common Nigerians would welcome that. These our leaders are all corrupt. Look at what they did to Marshal Harry because of politics.
Yes, I knew of that even before it happened.
Who did it, my God?
I cannot tell you now, on judgement day, I will make them pay for their crimes.
Ok, my God, another question.
Yes, go ahead, my son.
Who killed Dele Giwa?
Ha, my son, you are very curious.
Yes God, every good journalist should be curious.
You know the killer of Giwa.
Who is that?
That is all I can say for now. On judgement day, I shall make sure that the murderer of Giwa also pays for his crimes.
My God, please tell me, is there a special place for the Nigerian in hell?
Yes, it's called Hell-Gate That is the Nigerian ghetto in hell. There are a lot of you people there already causing trouble for me and the angels. Even Satan is complaining about you people. You already have a bad reputation in hell.
What kind of trouble?
You people are sending emails to people on earth from hell telling them that you have millions of brimstones that you want to transfer to earth and asking them to send you money for the transfer. You people took out all the furnace and installed air conditioners everywhere. I also found out that you people installed big speakers and music systems and are having your "owambe" parties in your flowing agbada which I confess has kept the grounds of hell clean.
Is that so?
Yes, my son.
Also, some of your senators here are trying to impeach Satan. They have bribed all the demons to vote against him in a special impeachment session.
Why will they want to impeach Satan?
As you know, Satan controls everyone and everything in hell and you Nigerians always want power so you can embezzle.
But what can they embezzle in hell?
The firewood and the gasoline that fuels the fire so they can sell it on the black market in hell.
So hell has a black market?
Yes, and it is run by you people, Nigerians.
Oh, that is very funny, my God.
I'm glad you found it funny.
But, dear father, Nigeria has improved from being the most corrupt country to be the second most corrupt country behind Pakistan. You have got to give us some credit.
Well, my son, if I were you, I would not say that loud.
Didn't you Nigerians bribe the Pakistanis to take the first place on the list?
Father, I've another burning question on my mind.
What is that?
Please tell me, will an Igbo man ever be an elected president of Nigeria?
Yes, my son, but not until after the year 2020.
Very well. Will an Ijaw man from the Niger Delta ever become an elected president of Nigeria?
Yes, my son, but not in your lifetime.
Hmmm. One more question my God.
Go ahead, ask.
When will our National Assembly members stop their corrupt ways and pass a meaningful bill that would actually improve the lives of Nigerians?
My son, that is a very tough question. I must consult with the angels on this one. Please give me a few minutes.
Please, take all the time, my dear God.
My son, I've an answer for you.
What is it, dear Holy one?
Not ever!


Can somebody tell me why it is very hard to do the right thing at the right time? "the things I want to do I do not, but the things I that I want not to do I see ma me doingit. HELP!
I mean, I Am supposed to be studying ma ass for ma exams tommorrow but, here am I fiddoling with the computer posting shitz n' stuffz. It should be alright to post but I think I am cheating on time. I just hope it doesn't get back to me.
"I had ma reason to play. An excuse to fail, but then God gave me a reason to naught, a will to sail. Now, left with limited choices I've got to A's. May God help me now, my zeal is flared"
Goodthings come at very absurd hours. By this time, I should be thinking Electricity, Electicc circuits and A's. Guess whatz on ma mind now.....PERVERT! Na! I just had this urge to rhyme right here so I put ma Electric test on ma laps and let the bytes flow outta ma fingers. I hope the bytes get some beats sometime so I can bite the bitches.
Sometimes, you gotta do what you love doing and not what you are forced to do....'namean? I don't know if I would fare well if iI went serious with writing. I know I SULK so good but, does real scripting have anything to with writing shitz....hit me!


lurking at dawn lost for words
sitting with her trying her charm
yet time and chance lost itz count
and soon we be laughing at naught
Doing ma thing resting ma spine
when she struts by consuming ma brain
alas! I lost me pleasing ma heart
don't say I'd be crying I gave ma eyes
speaking of you revealing ma fear
cracking ma head seeking to please
then you walked away leaving a trail
I knew I'd be lost picking the tail
I wish I could learn itz hard to think
to let it go was only ma wish
but when you call it steals ma pride
to know that I could still hope on hope.

Monday, May 30, 2005


It was a fun filled weekend. Friday started off with some Pyjamas Birthday party of one of ma family. It was kindda fun. I felt like a '+5 star' General! It would have been an otherwise boring weekend staying at home doing shit but, I got to meet a number of folks....some 'o 'em even took to me! said they were looking forward to meeting me which implies that they might have known or heard about me in retrospect. I felt like a celebrity! Hahahaa...

Yeah! and that I was. Celebrity Fitness gym housed me for me more than 5hours and, I wasn't gyming......I was merely watching. Some move by some buds to make me buff. Howz that! It was good to hang out in the Mall for that length of time.

You know this look and feel you have when there is a remix of races? That was just it. A mixture of Arab-Syria, China, Nigeria, Norway....etc...it was really fun. I wish people could live like this instead of always cliquing with their own kind.

Do people live in the Malls? I mean like literally having Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper all there at the Utama? I could feel bordom set-in.

......Ub OUT!

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I thought as much. Many peoplez asses were going to be fried and it did! The first ever all-round Engineering meeting since I joined the skool occured today and there are many developments that I put into pulp and ink. I ma about to covert it to bits...tag.
As usual, we started "pricisely" late. I used the words because, I am trying to live the talk. Pardon me! "If you are in the 2nd semester, can you rise up your hands please?"....this is the kind of grammar you might be hit with when some wonderful lecturers and students pick the Mic. This was going to be interesting. I grabbed an ink from some dude and started scribbling...Gosh! there was so much to jot. "People go to DISASTED places" Shakespear hasn't started!
I think ma blog would do well as a gossip spot too so girls...bite me!
The first shock I got was not the vast number of Engineering students which was surprising as well; it was the fact that there were females in ma school, even pretty ones too! I should think that most of them just joined or are almost graduating. Prior to these, I never got any inkling. Counting roughly, I think I settled with an average of 15 daughters in a school of more than 300 students. Isn't that amazing!
The agenda was just to inform us of their intention to make life more 'pleasant' to us here in the college by sipping away any small change that they left dangling in we wallets. Joining the Engineering society is not only compulsory, it is 5bucks! Our well-designed beautiful Uniform is going to be enforced within the next few weeks at a whooping 60bucks(Govt. tax, exclusive!). I could get a good pair of slacks for the dough yoh! Wonder why they should make things that we are going to pay for compulsory. This is modern robbery yoh! They said that the uniform will curb some mysterious discipline problem that god-knows-whose-mother has.....Peace.
That was pretty much the whole joint. The rest was just to make up for guilt. There was this discipline thing that the dean kept repeating over and over. I couldn't place that yoh! Damn! I was shocked to learn that ma school is owing the Bursary like 350grand! that is not very much as per the number of students but, ermmm...Ma share there is 'bout, 2grand. Little wonder why the niggas are up ma ass like 2grand can fix ma shit!
Nu shit-head policies were made and read out to us and our comment was not much welcomed as what has been will be. Dem niggas even said that students whose brains worked only in the night, will be deprived of the priviledge of resittin for thier flawed exams.....they gotta retake the whole joint again from the grass. Again, this means, mo money!..hah. They won't even be as patient as they have been. If you don't pay-up shit by the first two weeks of resumption, you are fcuk'd....its that bad.
I'd be asking ma dad to fix is Cell as he might be receiving international calls. Yeah! Ma department has madeit clear that discipline problems even in the form of being more than 15mins late for class will be courriered to the Parents and Guidances. This is to be preceeded by a phone call! Howz that! I'd be so glad to make 'em doiyt. Perhaps the cost of studying 'overseas' might be off-setted by some chilling international calls. Dad, I'll keep ya Cell beeping.

college blues

I have had so good in a long long while i.e. enjoying a class in the mornin! Electronic circuits class was so fun! Reason being.....we succeeded in lecturing the lecturer as the lecturer was so confusingly confusing us.
Boolean Algebra for Electronic circuits and De'morgan's theorem proved to be so much fun that the lecturer resorted to taking corrections from dumb 'etudients...how 'bout that! She even said that it might not come out that complex in the finals( maybe she might be too confused as to who or which is right).
My school has found out a way to make extra RINGGITs! They must have discussed this in the last GM as I heard some rumours....shhhht! Every Engineering student must be a member of an Engineering Club that has been dysfunctional for quite a while now. That comes at a price too.....5bucks! well, if ma stats are in terms, they might be getting a couple of thousand richer!(why didn't they peg the membership fees higher?)
That not being enough, I caught wind of the fact that we might have to be donning some poorly hewn-undersized-stupid-blue-technicians uniform as well! This goes for an amazing 60BUCKS! Are this guys crazy or what?
Aight, I'll fill-in on the outcome of the meet at 0014hrs. Please pray they do not increase the tuition as well. Judging on how things are turning out, they might just have the power to do this right there on the floor. We covert your pra'ers. Peace.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

....The unobvious

Talking about little things that we take for granted and are turn out barely un-noticed. I was surprised that the end of a rather long day would be the last of itz kind in quite a while. Yeah! Technically speaking, no consecutive days has itz resemblance in any form or flare. Every day is different! But, speaking of the 20th day of May, 2005 at 8pm to be precise, itz a all amazing discovery. Kudos to the Meticulous of our society.
In a 24hr clock with date, say, a cell phone display. At exactly 8:05 at dusk, the display reads "20:05 20 05 2005" (time/date/month/year). This would easily pass the Careless and might not make any good sense to the gurus but, too bad! This is one of the last time this kindda configuration will ever hold sway in itz entirety....hmm.
Thanks to Sandra's (some Danish senorita) intuition and meticulousness! We even got to celebrate it with some Scandanavians amd Fillipinos at Star Bucks with some photo shots and Frapucino! Dig TAT!

Money Matters

Have you ever felt like you ar cheating or being jilted when you keep friends only because you got the dough? Don't.
Even the Scriptures supports this. I read this morning during my Time. It says that we should use money to keep friends so when it is wasted, we can have something to lean back on....People!
I am surprised that I never came across this earlier on but itz good that I did. I am going to post elaborately on this subject later on. I gotta bounce.
In a nut-shell, it pays to waste the Dols to make a Bud...pace-out!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Hello, I am a Rotteweiler and I am 7years old. I have been taken away from my family and I miss 'em so much. Please if you find me, return me to the address below or call this number. A reward of RM300 will be given to anyone who finds and returns me. thanks."
Hmm....have you ever doubted the fact that Dogs can speak? Well, don't! Not only do they write now, they type using the Computer as well! thanks to....new-age technology!
The above phrase was apparently posted around one of the streets in ma hood by a DOG! Dig that!
Itz amazing the turn of events in the neighbourhood. I bet if some dude went missing, they'd probably might not put that much reward hanging over their heads..talking about Preference and Partiality.
About rewards, doesn't it have to do with surprises? something yu don't really deserve have no idea what the value might be? Well, times are changing and you could know the exact monetary value of your reward (might as well negotiate for'em).
This is the exact thing that is ruining our world. Our wanting to put monetary value on every goddamn thing, even the Priceless ones. This has itz pros and cons as it provides job opportunities(get into the neighbourhood and kidnapp dogs and fix a ransom). Why can't we just encourage people to get rid of this pay-me-for-shit attitude or better still let that element of surprise lurk. It not only makes honest citizens but prevents scam-heads asswell.
Paying a couple of dols for the stalker to return your expensive Dog instead of buying and raising is new one is worthwhile ain't it? Economists speak-up!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Thou art mere formality
but to keep the continuity this we do
I lost ma interest in thee yet awhile
alas! ma vow to blog I must feed
empty feelings fill ma gaze
and lazy thoughts, me they haunt
when homeless emotions clouds ma view
then I make the streets ma abode
nay! what must be done must be done
and in the end the means thou meet
then will I find solace in thee soon

Friday, May 13, 2005

I got Cell!

I am connected! Itz temporary but itz factual.
Yesterday would have ended as normal as usual but, it didn't. I spent ma whole evening with some shorty who was kind enough to lend me her cell to use in the mean time. It feels so good to be connected once again though I still miss ma 'baby'.

I was supposed to be shaking out ma booty with some niggas at Sunway College but, I refrained to a quiet evening, cooking, eating till I got HEADACHE!,watching movies...etc. It did not stop till 'bout 4:40 in da morning.

I feel guilty! I am supposed to be working ma ass out fixing shit and studying for ma exams that is pretty much closing-in. I really needed to relax, to feel carefree for a season, forget about the rigours of life and just do shit. It was fun!

Getting components for ma project proved to be a uphill task now, fixing the joint proved even more challenging as I had to develop a new game plan in itz entirety....ALHAMDEDILLAH! Now that the joint is fixed, I ain't putting fire on it until ma lecturer OKz it. I feel like a chunk of load has been lifted off ma frame. I am left to figure out if I can weather the storm of the aftermath.

I gotta run for ma silly soccer training...peaceout!

Beware!...of pickpockets!

This feeling of adventure crept into ma thinking faculty quite early in the dawn. I was thinking of how to savage time that I wasted and have to recover. Jumped off ma bed into ma clothes and KL wa the destination.
I went with the original intention of getting some components that I blew up for ma Project but, it turned out to be an exciting-cum-tiring escapade. I ravaged ma brain to figure out the most convinient yet not expensive and easy way to get to Jalan Pasar. Owing to the recent nike in Cab fares, I did not want anything to do with the Cabbies but, I couldn't help it! I learnt a valuable lesson...never ask a Cab driver for direction..he might as well take you there.
I must have used all the available means of public transportation today except the ones with wings. What I thought was gonna be just an electronic component shopping turned out to be some serious all-weather shopping. I don't know if it was because of the little change I had in ma wallet or perhaps, some shopping spirit possesed me for a while. I only took caution when ma fare back was being affected....tsk! I am spending like I am earning and ma Mum's not here...HELP!
Travelling with the bus and train is seldom exciting so I decided to engage ma thoughts so as to disperse the boredom I was slipping into.....then this sign on one of the bus caught ma attention. "Beware of Pick-pockets!" ....Damn! I wouldn't bulge over such things because, no correct thinking dude would want to risk his hand for ma wallet but, I reasoned, 'is there any cause for this kind of alarm?" are the commuters thinking of something dicey?...who are this pick-pockets? - the conductors? I did not see any!
If there was be an alarm, I think it should be warning sleeping passengers that the Conductor will not wake you up at your stop or that if the stop-bell doesn't work...scream! The things that we should beware of are not emphasied...like, beware! our un-comfortable seats can cause spinal injuries or, beware! the number of jerks and stops can trigger hypertension......Beware!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


There was this break in transmission for a while. My silly project and other issues are having the best of ma sweet time. Every damn thing has been put on hold till further notice. God has been wonderful to me the past couple of weeks though....that I could go on and on despite the hurdles. I have had to deal with playa hatas, they came right under ma nose and it took discretion to be able to decipher it. Itz all good! what fun is life without these hatas around yoh!
I have totally neglected ma studies and have embarked on a spending spree may God help me. Ma project is on the verge of being completed. I would have done this earlier on if there was an Electronic component shop around ma assumed hood.
Lotta prospects are popping up and I am doing a whole different game in itz entirety. If the changes are eminent, bite me!
Like in the middle of all this drama there exists a one-week study break. It could have tarried awhile. It is supposed to be a blessing but ma lazy ass does not need a impromptu break now. I have even lost ma enthusiam to write.....peace out!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Have yu ever felt like quitting? Then the pressure zooms in way much and you are fret you might crash. Thatz just the way I feel now.
First it was Laziness, then it became Uncertainty. Now it appears to be like dissapointment but, I will not let ma guard down. I'll save it so we don't get no Failure
Have you ever been in a class you don't really understand what is going on but you cannot seem to think up questions as well? I have been in this spot. I could attribute it to lateness but, it wouldn't change a damn thing. Sat there assuming I was following whatever was going on but in the real sense, I wasn't! The funny part is that I couldn't think of questions to ask too! Well, I consoled maself in the fact that I can always read stuff up and learned the lesson.
The day went on like this and that and as I was about finding ma foot, I stumbled on dissapointment( these are blessings in disguise ain't they?)
I am in the midst of finding ma footing. I have lost ground for quite some while now. Pray I find 'em. Been on the careless side too! I left ma almost completed Project in College and I couldn't figure out where. Thank God for some good lass on safe-guarded it for me. My USB got missing in action too! All in one day. I was afraid I might lose ma sleep too but that wouldn't be. The list if lost stuffz goes on to a few marks in ma just concluded tests...I may be losing ma cool on some nigga pretty soon...somebody help me! I am losing ma words too!

Sunday, May 01, 2005


April ended on a very good note
May kicked off with fruitious prospects
Itz a month of Many...
It started with Many,
Itz gonna end with so Mon'y
God is spoiling me with Many stuffz
I tried to make some folks happy,
Made trivial decisions that paid off
I'll be happy for this season
ain't nobody taking away this Joy
itz heaven sent, foul proof
I have a lot of stories to tell
but time cheats on me to tell ma tale

Friday, April 29, 2005

Cheap is TALK!

If you are among those that advocate that talk is cheap? Well, you'd better have a rethink! The Mr Teo sumthing somthing Closed Debate competition just ended in my college and it was really not something to miss. The talk we talk for granted was a talk that folks were stuttering to talk! It was really amazing. The Debate has run through the week with the different schools in the college having verbal battles to make it as the year's champion. It was a period to reminisce on for some and a bugging memory for the others. Something about this Debate was unique. It wasn't just controversial topics but the cheers and jeers from the floor. It was more like an Argument. Who ever had fans in Debates? tsk!
Two folks made me not too miss the Debate sessions, A bitccch named Vishnu(Damn! this guy is a wind bag!..Tap that!) from Engineering School and some fake ass Beauty from the school of communications. It was a Word battle. Studying here has not really availed me the oportunity of listening to folks communicate with such constructive, well-reasoned, semi-polished, Vocabulary-rich well-accentuated English Language.....not even the Language lecturers! So, whenever I have the grace to listen to some cool shit, I am always so excited.
I like to take folks on and that is just what Vishnu did! Take them on right on the spot if the toy with your read intelligence. He would have won the best speaker's award if he wasn't too much on the mean-cocky-bitchy side. He was too good for his type. Other speakers sucked! It ranged mainly from the accent to the grammar. Some were ridiculously wack....'namean?
It is paying off for these folks who must have taken the extra effort to learn the Language wihout the 'LAHs'. I enjoyed listening to these guys yapp and I was clapping like an 'esctasiascal' manaic. People take sides in Debates but I jammed my dactyls for any bod who could impress me with wits and the Language. My school took the runners-up title but 'twas all good, I was 'perspired'.
I got into 'ma moods' and was almost sulking when some homeys came around and I got the spirit of talk. I kept babbling about god-knows-what until dusk. This continued without check. Resorted to listening to some Gospel vibes online. It was pretty much a lazy day for me, "the things I wanted to do I did not but things that I did not want to do I found maself doing"
Events like this I think if organised more frequently, would enable students understand that TALK is cheap-not so to say. It is learned....hah!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

this tales

I did somethingI don't do quite often. Studied right into the night and I tell you, it paid of in minute quantities. I am getting used to last minute 'jacking' so I was thinking about the ample time I had until when at about 3am, I wasn't still done with my telecomm III shit.
Yeah! forreal! the guy had me big time! I don't regret those sleepless hours as I will catch up on it...but, I almost passed a blank SHIT of paper until I remembered this song. MUSIC is good baby~! I am like a moving bangbozzle. Don't try figuring out what that means cos' itz shit!
Walking up and down the college as if I am retarded..I ain't. This lazy life that Asia has input in me is having itz share. It been as bad that I missed the lunch that I really wanted to have because, by the time Mr. Fu finished fckuing us with Laplace functions, Ma head and tommy were yelling for relief.
I can't even stand around here anymore, I borrowed some shit from the lab to go fix my Power Supply Project at home. Until I get that joint working, I am not thinking straight.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


For some weird reasons all ma lecturers today delivered their lectures with a really heavy breath of 'accent'. I was lost at trying to understand the meaning of the "English" that I lost out on comprehensing the technicality of the subject matter. Yurk!
I really don't know why this 'people' should be given the priviledge of tutoring international students or is this a joke? It is really becoming a challenge. We were not for-warned it would come to this. I lost a whole '10marks' to some 'Language' flaws. The funny part of it is that, I don't know who to heap the blame on!
I really pity the students who depend on either the lecturers or thier fellow mates to spice up their knowledge of 'the' language because, they ain't geting no rebate. If given options I think most of the lecturers would prefer to use vernacular to dissipate knowledge.....wonder who'd be getting shit!
I can guarantee that most of the folks might graduate with first class but, their English language is not going to improve even by 0.5% for the three years that they are going to spend in college. I wish I could be of help. The percentage of students that learn or improve the language prowess in college is getting very negligible and something should be done about it urgently by peope who care or, it gets very astronomical.
People have their own opinions about preserving the culture and shit but I tell you that 'the' language is very much a unifying factor. The are a lot of factions in the society and if that is to be looked into, it might be seen that the dividing factor might be 'the' langauge.
I had the experience too! In my circle of friends, people are very meticulous about 'this' language that they'd laugh the living daylights out of you if you did as little as a grammatical error not to talk about outright blunders. Itz bad but, we were challenging ourselves and it paid off. No matter how much you read, spoken(conversational) English would always be the in-factor in improving both vocabulary and grammar...Ok, I am beginning to feel like a lecturer now.
I am being very lazy. There are lots of work to do but I am kindda working on food instead. Ate till I almost got broke....feel me! It took a lotta efforts to get ma fingers on the board..I shouldn't have!


A longer night
a lingering sigh
a teary eyes
a tearing hope
then joy come in the morning!
A windy dusk
a colorful Walk
a cloudy sky
a watered lawn
All for a purpose it serves.
Do what you can,
burst what you can't!
let the night drain away your fears
Will the pillow soak away your tears
no matter how bad it becoming
There is always joy in the morning!


Saturday, April 23, 2005

toot Part II

It never happened....I did it! I was so happy when I found out that I could fiddle with ma biro till the end of the exams. I must have wrote for a thousand kilometers!
The hot sun of Friday afternoon saw me battling with the traffic trying to fix all the plans I had for the week before the weekend really dawned. Celcom offcie was first. I needed to get ma number back so I tripped there. Despite the fact that I lost my Subsciber Identification Module (SIM) Card, I was able to get a new SIM after a very short period of interviewing. I think that was the best service I have had from humans in this part of the Globe. The rest had been by Machines. Yeah! For once I did not have to wait for five hours to dump '5pinks' in the safe, I opted to store it in the machine instead and was amazed at how much I could trust that thing.
To get the components for ma PSU Project, I had to tour the whole of the 'silicon valley' for hours. I finally got at it and at a holy price too. I thought that being a colored might mare me but it didn't. I ate like a starving Lion at KFC and made it home before it rained. Got some bling(damn! A brotherz not too broke for a bling man!)
Think it ended?....NO! Another round of adventure continued at ONE U, we browsed the Bookshop like we were academics, took out a bag of books, caught a movie, left the Cinema at 2:30am with a sleeping baby and a soiled diaper! Think that was fun? ....It was BUMP!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Well, well, well! Itz been a hip week. Tired and decomposed as I might have been, I really had causes to be grateful. It all started out very blurry. The hopes were there but the faith was crumbling....thatz just what I needed for a change.
Maths IV test, Electronic circuits test, blah and blah. I had a very stressful but exciting week. Isn't it amazing how sometimes you feel so vanely lazy but at other times, you are so packed that you need an extra day! - life.
Wednesday was great! I had many treats. People were nicer than I presumed and I was only sorry for passing the jurisdiction before hand. Went hulla-hullying in IKEA immediately afte ma test and drove home with a more than 80kg workstation. The extra calories we added at Mc's was expended before dawn. The day was not over until 2am! was it fun or what?
Thursday was declared by the government as an official lazy day. My hate for these type of days here in Asia should not be over-emphasied. When I learnt we were playing a match in the morning, I was so elated. Two hours off the lazy day was taken off. It went on well but better when I scored my debut and last goal of the match in a 7-3 friendly entangle. I was almost being fried by the sun. I could perceive the smell of some burning flesh.
Next destination was, guess.....IKEA! For whatever reasons, we found ourselves wandering there in some pet shop...hmm. We did a more guys' thing when with our broke ass, we downed a jar of Tiger at 4 0' Clock in the evening. I am not used to this. Thank God I could still walk to the taxi stand and tell the cabbie where we was going.
The guilt of wasting an entire day without studying for ma test on Friday and having a broke ass on thursday haunted me as much as I needed to book! I slept away half of the guilt and felt worse in the morning knowing that If I didn't score, I'd hate maself so damn much.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Beyond those cloudy nights therez a sun waiting to shine
Above those cold dirges therez a tune to swing......
I really feel in the mood of doing poems today but I gotz to do ma books for Mr. Fu's engineering maths test tommorrow.
As I had said earlier, I am being very calculative nowdays. Iz got to survive...'namean? There are so many doors, there are some many prospects. I can only have faith that God will bring my dreamz and plans to fruition and will not leave me to suffer shame.
People have been very nice to me of late. This is happening at an alarming rate. I see it as an answer to prayers. I pray God bless them still.
At last I got home to communicate me. Things are pretty much taking shape. It might take awhile for it to go beyond the normal runs. I am feeling much like a student now and I pray it be not short lived.
Haven't seen 'some' people for a while. They must be avoiding me like SH!T! I got ma PC Board for ma Power supply project today and, I finally was given a print-out of my results for the past two semesters. I thank God for giving me a CGPA of 3.72 and 3.79 for the past two semesters. If it gets better this season, may Glory be to God.
I am getting into contacts that might gel in the very near future. I am so glad to be an instrument of hope to many folks outta there. God is meeting ma needs in amazing wayz. I can face tommorrow without fear 'cos HE lives!


There are prospects beyond the View
There are hopes around the ropes
There is bling within the link
don't leave the ring
you need a swing
often fear holds when you need a cheer
but faith swells when you sense a fail
There are cheers within the jeer
don't give up soon it'll soon be noon
stay on guard
you'll need a guide
ride on high
you'll get a raise

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


A lotta things have happened lately. I can't believe it was just a weekend. It feels like the stress of a leap year is being put in one weekend! How can she handle it?
Everything went on fine and bubbly until dusk. I got to play football under the rain. Thanks to ma dedication for ma 'sweet' team. On getting home, I got no idea what was lurking about waiting to prey on me. Itz all good! I can be good meat sometimes but, God gave me meat for strength to be eaten. hah!
Had to move out when I got home at about 12:40am to learn that our contract had expired and that wez got to quit by noon the next day. I needed to be out by 7am the following dawn and wooldn't be back until late in the noon so, the only option left was to put away the stuff somewhere and crash for tommorrow. It never happened. I did not close ma eyes for more than 30 mins before I realised it was Saturday!
The Futsal tournament was going on good until ma team mates started fcuking around, I almost regreted taking the trouble. Lesson learnt! Ma escapades was just commencing. Hopped on the next bus to the College's hall. Thought to see the bitches but they were bitching somewhere else, thanks to telecommunication, I could get in touch before I got stranded. The night wasn't long enough for me. I Had 9hours of good sleep to account for. I cheated!
Got up again wondering what time it was and where ma Cell was. I never could comprehend 'newayz. Soccer match really sucked, I couldn't have been more happier when Grete came to fetch me just 20mins into he game. She was a savior!
All sweaty, I felt so uncomfortable the first few minutes in Church. It all went good and later we were chatting away over lunch. God bless these guyz.
Ma God! I slept like some fool with ma mouth dripping loose the whole afternoon when I should have been reading up for the time I wasted doing irrelevant but useful things over the weekend. I could feel ma nerves scream SLEEP! Helped ma housemates move their shit into some other space and ma body told me I had over-clocked ma system and crashed!
I couldn't sleep, study, eat as ma abdomen ached like shit! Almost every hole in ma body was releasing stuffz and it went on for hours until I could literally feel ma stomach empty and there was not much I could have done....
.....then I saw the dawn and kne that everthing was under absolute control. To God be the glory!

Saturday, April 16, 2005


When the going gets tough,
I'll toughly get going!
In the midst of ma turbulence
I'll take coverage in Peace
When ma gears be cracking,
I turn to the Sculptor
He'd mend ma wears
and sooth ma fears
He'll wipe ma weeps
thatz what he does best

l lost ma time,
I lost ma bud
I woke with her time
I strolled with her strides
I got off ma wheels
I tied up ma truss
I miffed at ma woes
I smiled at ma foes
I took time to pray
I looked out for rain
I sat on her trunk
I soared with her strength

Friday, April 15, 2005

Blub blab

It was almost a great day!
I smiled in the midst of stress
complex circuitry stress
Seemed like the semester's work had to be done today
could feel ma brains bang with exhaustion
I am giving it too much worries
Every earthly event is remote controlled
I think I had it bad
But wasn't I being prepared for the worse?
closing the registry of ma brains
geting ready to sleep it off.
Reached for ma cell to make a buzz
It buzzed in ma head cos' it was gone
gone for good, a brand is due
I wish I'd ma numbers, I miss ma friends
I am going home without ma baby
You can have ma cell but keep her safe
for in it are the treasured

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Do you think that the sperm is only useful in copulation and procreation? Think again!
Has any lass ever told you that the good-old-cum is good for the face? This is the most amazing thing I have heard in a long while.
Chitchatting with ma boyz last night, somebody came up with a question as apparently, he'd been queried by his girl as to the potency of the semen on the endocarp. A few others tipped into the same story with their load of experiences. I was lacking words! I have not been opportuned to hear this thought prior to last night.
Hmm..this might be a no-go area for some but, as controversial as this may sound, There might be some iota of untruth in it. If ma biology knowlegde is still intact, the Spermatozoa should be a composition of aminos...proteins to be lay.
Wow! this was a revelation to me. If it holds, then someone could start a multi-Beauty company with the amount of semen that are contained in condoms littered in ma apartment's escalator. Why would there be a need for expensive facials when you could just jack and rub away at home!
I hope the medics don't subscribe it for people with protein problems to drink it as some supplements soon...peace out!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

..about ideas

What response would readily come to your mind if you were asked out of the blues "Do you know any idea?". Different answers cuming, all right! But the question intended question I suppose might have been, "Do you have any idea?" whichever way! I still don't know any idea about any idea. Feel me!
This is how confusing it has been understanding the real intentions of my lecturers here. I talked about messing up the language, this is an instance. That I ask a lotta questions that weary ma lecturers does not spell that I am trying to be hard to please not that I am not, I just have to sniff out the knowlegde from the folks there in class as much as possible. I might not find someone outta class to explain later or might be too lazy to study up solely. So poor lecturers who have to go through a tough time to get this dude into light, have a little bit of patience. I am not a total dumbie...but isn't that what you are paid to do? Make the dumb dumberer..nah! jst kiddin.
If this is bring followed there is this 'wonderful' lecturer I once blabbed about. Hez totally amazing. Hez classes are beginning to become rarer as we are left unattended to build our power supply unit during the class slots. I think hez holiday has just commenced. an incidence occured in his class the other day, I fell outta ma sit for some unexperimented reasons and as we were making more fun outta some other situation, Ma guy blotted out "KISS MA ASS" Damn! Now, don't think we were offended 'cause we're used to this things. Just pray one of your tutors is this free and fun!
I never knew that Ma college is so dedicated. This only obtains when it comes to correspondence. Whoever is in charge must be very meticulous. My brother called from ma hood and as we were flowing, he mentioned that there was this overseas letter for ma dad inviting him for some PTA meeting in ma college. Now, isn't that sweet? That they would invite the parent of a +2decades old dude to defy health issues and hop the goddamn plane to attend some PTA meeting at his son's college! I thought we were in the new days...but this is really GOOD!
I can see where the excalating fees they charge from go. How much does it cost to send out a mail to Africa from here? Can you imagine that ma college printed out receipts of 14bucks payment each for the PCB(Printed Circuit Board) for our Project. That is not the case, they did it for more than 50 students! Who is good in calculus please compute.

To tell or not to tell!

I used to have this 'Bossphobic' troublems. When ever I am ordered to take a sit in that leather upholstery, I vibrate with trepidation and might lose ma voice if the room is unmoderately airconditioned. It has taught me to approach the unapproachable no matter the hierarchy or ranks. If he/she talks, she can be seen! Some of them detect your fears no doubt and try to keep you pacified, the others just take you on right there on the spot zooming into the crest of your fears. Relax! itz all goood!
Have you ever walked into an office you have been frequently visiting and out of the blues ask for a name that gives you the response - 'what do you want to see him/her for?' Yeah! Itz the Boss you are looking for!
For some reasons, employees are skeptical when some apparently well-dressed, educated folk walks into the office and asks to see the Boss. I think I've found the reasonwhy this obtains. The fear that you are gonna complain about some ill-service or better still take away their jobs might be a possibility. So, scare the tell-a-tale bitch away!
Why would some fellow employee ask what you want to see the Boss for! Of course you are not there to ask the Boss out on a date, it might be something that you do not want to tell a 'mere' receptionist or secretary. I'll tell you the phrase I blob whenever I am asked the purpose of ma visit and I don't want to tell - 'Itz kindda about personal business' is what pours outta ma stuttering lips. Should it be confidentail? Either way, the poor receptionist might not tell the difference anyway. I tell you it not only works but if you suddendly rush to the door, you might catch the secretary eavesdropping. Do not think it to be good manners if you are asked on your way out about the success of the meeting with the Boss, they might just be gambling you'd let them in on the details....hmmm.
I'd advise you, never share your purpose of visit with the receptionist or you might be turned away with some half-cooked information. Some of the jobs of the receptionist is to send away impostors before they find their way to the 'almighty' Boss...watcha!


Now, If you must know, I really suck in fluids. After a steamy session of balling, I decided to chill ma boiling nerves. The ice creams and cold water wouldn't make-do so I took a step further, ripped off ma clothes and jumped into the pool!
By the time I am writing this, I must have stayed in ma apartment for more than 5 months but I could vividly say that I have used the pool about three times within this span of time. This has nothing to do with Hydrophobia. I just can't seem to find ma way in fluids....ma bad!
Itz pretty much shameful so I always snorkel in the pool only 'nicodemosly' and when I do, I just stay in awhile. I wish I could do much in large water bodies but...wishes ain't got wings ain't that what they say? They say drink much water, this I try to do except when I am in the swimming pool but, why do I keep peeing each time I try to live healthy?
Kid bruder hollared at me last night over transmissions lines and I couldn't be much happier. We talked at length after staying numb for some while and the fact that I woke up 10mins to 9am when ma class was at 9am could attest to this.
I am always very blurry when I miss more than 20mins of serious lecture in the dawn. It takes me like the whole day to make it up. I try!
I am getting dry, so I had to gulp down 2 slices of tuna sandwiches at some fancy eatery in college. Itz all good! I used the lunch money mama gave me to cab to college today. Maybe I'll learn to wake up early so I can bounce to college instead of riding. Don't you question, itz healthy!
Drink at least 20 cups of fluids everyday and......walk to college with me I sometimes feel bored....Nah! I think the conclusion, like Cristine would say to her decision to cycle to college is, ....Itz healthy! dun tap that!


Street soccer caught my eyes recently. This something you see in almost every society no matter how developing so Motorists, have some bit of patience! This could be some dangerous expedition seeing the risks involved. A bone might be cruhed or a life might be lost! It is this serious! A lot of football stars have been born in the streets though. If I were to call names, the list will roll. Some of world class Footballers were scouted from the streets and would never make a name in football had they depended on some fancy football Coach to train them into the spotlight. The bruised, smoked, and cursed their way to stardom!
It might be a mystery as to why street soccer always tend to be more exciting than the real game. Not even the nearby fields could discourage these youngsters from putting up a baricade in some 'unholy' space have some moments of fun. You see the skills and talents wasted right there on the boulevards and you hope some 'busy-body' Coach would saunter across and take these treasures to a Safe.
I used to really enjoy playing in the streets and I still do! No amount of briused heels or honks from passing vehicles would spoil this fun time is always so exhilarating. The first time I really enjoyed palying football here in Malaysia was at night playing Soccer under some halogen street lights. People talk about building Parks and fields to deter this young adventure seekers from ending their lives in their prime but I would suggest if it has not been already- Legalise street football. There is a different kind of fun to it!


Saturday, the 16th day of April, 2005 is set aside by the students of KDU college to engage in a friendly Futsal league. The one-day tournament solely organised by the students of the College's Engineering team is enjoying the full backing of the college.
Games like this is a common event here in KDU college. It is organised without much hitch and the College supports any serious proposals made by the students in this regard. You will not imagine how competitive students can be until there is a cash tag for the winner at stake.
The tournament holding at the courts of Sports Unlimited Complex in Petaling Jaya is made up of a group of eight(8) players per team and will see up to 20 teams tangle for the first, second and third cash prizes all in one day! The game starts in the morning and will span through the day with knock-out seasons after the first round. The participants will be given free drinks and awarded certificates by the college for their trouble.