I have been putting my ears to the floor in anticipation of the outcome of the just 2007 THISDAY music festival that was held in Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria. I wouldnt deny the fact that I wasnt expecting mischief even in the slightest disguise.
Well, ma hopes were confirmed today when it came in the news that singing beauty, one of my favourites, Kelly Rowland fainted on stage while performing! Why do these people always have a way of making us famous!
For Heaven's sake a doctor should have performed a 'medical' on her before letting her even sniff the Mic especially when she would be doing that in a 15000 people capacity facility in our great NIGERIA. Itz almost like the media must always have a run for news when Nigerian hosted events are involved.
On the bright side, that an International icon of her status should be resusitated in a medical facility in Nigeria and not flown abroad in one of those standby private jets is a benchmark achievement/event!....We need to hear out her hospital ordeal too, maybe that might warrant a commendation on the hospital...who knows? The world needs to know that we have modern hospitals....and doctors...not just witch-doctors.
...and Kelly, next time you are perfoming in a concert in a tropical climate, PLEASE consume a lot of fluid, our local palm wine coulda given you the vocal edge plus stamina....besides, satchets of 'pure' water in Nigeria only cost like 5 Nigerian bucks! (the equivalent of 0.04USD)...doesnt anybody tell our 'sing' models these kindda things! for goodness sake, among those breeze of hunks who pose as personal security, you could employ one or two that took first aid lessons as doubles and save our dear Nigerians the embarassment next time as well as give them a run for the N50,000 bucks the paid to appreciate your talent.
....and, I still love you.....thank you...for giving me something to run ma mouth for. I might return with more festival updates.
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