Yesterday was a great day, most of my worries were abated, today is a better day, tomorrow is the best day!
One of the benefits of living in south-east Asia is that you get to see what other parts of the world will only begin seeing about 6 to 7 hours later or more. You know how folks make fuss outta every single incidence that has any significant undertone? I was alarmed to find out while browsing throught he pages of one of the national dailies that tomorrow, today is 07 -07 – 07.
That would have totally skipped ma mind had it not been posted in the papers, It could have been cruel to forget because, in may whole family, the only person that shares the same birth-month with me is my last brother who is turning I think 19 today!. Wow! He a big boy now…I cannot believe that ma baby brother is actually 19! Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROH!!! You were born in a great month and it is spectacular this year 070707. May yu grab all the luck and favor that a day this special can bring to a single human being all things being unequal…MAY YUR WILDEST DREAMS COME TRUE….and make you into a formidable force that will take up your generation by force. Amen.
..and I heard this fussing about the new seven wonders of the world being revealed today 07-07-07 after a series of worldwide votes casted by millions of people in the world through various media. The program which is hosted by a Swiss company is aiming to outphase the previous seven wonders which many argued was not voted ‘wonders’ out of a unianimous agreement, hence their quest to make this new list a people’s list.
It’s a shame that I cant boast to be able to memorise all the soon-to-phase-out seven wonders of the world, It doesn’t really matter anymore does it? I will save some space in memory to commit the new list while hoping that no body comes up with an ulterior list any time soon. Just for record sake, the wonders I just looked up and are;
- the great pyramid of Giza – Egyptians
- the hanging Gardens of Babylon
- the temple of Artemis in Ephesus
- the statue of Zeus in Olympus
- the Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicanassus
- the Colossus of Rhodes
- the Lighthouse of Alexandria
Some of these ‘must-see’ sites are man-made structures with utmost classical antiquity. While some are still standing as at date, others have been eventually destroyed by natural and man made mistakes.
Seven is believed to be a wholesome number – a number of perfection and completion for those that are into this shitz n’ stuffz, so, being from a beautiful family of seven kids, I just cant wait to count the blessings that are gonna be poured out on me and me kids n folks them. Hope is a good thing to hold unto. Nsikan Matthews, you are a very favoured and blessed child, yu are a perfection and completion, my your horn be lifted this day forward and forever…Amen! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! Grow SmArT! God bless you!
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