'...love, a word that comes and goes.....yet, only a few folks really have a grasp of what the heck the word means...'
Browsing through ma personal files in ma luggage lately, I was able to personify and paint a picture of what real love could/should look like. It came in the form of letters....yeah...painfully hand-drafted missives with postage stamps on it! ow much more could you personify love in this info-age!
I was just looking for some old audio tapes i had to listen to some cherished vibes but spent the entire evening reading and re-reading and sobbing intermittently at how bad life has made me be. Those beautiful correspondence should never have stopped...not even with a 24 hour internet connection at home and all the instant messaging and emailing jifferies.
Once in a while, one needs to go open the mail box and actually find some hand written letter from a loved one and not just some junk shitz from over-zealous sales-people.
I remember reading one from one of ma kid-bros, I have three handsome bros and three swwwwwwwwwweet sisters and havnt seen them in what seems like ages.
There was this phrase that made me feel like a very bad person, yet, made me also laugh hysterically...it said something like,....'what has got into you that has made you so proud that you never have written me personally?......' It was so authoritative from ma bro who was just a growing hunk when i left home.
Those letters are treasures, when I begin to weigh the trust and hope that my family and relatives have on me, I dread to mis-behave....this has been ma 'check-bit' while I am away from family. I am not gonna dissapoint any of them.
The fact that I have not been communcating with you guys often is not intentional, I know y'll feel what im trying to say but it is no excuse to so-to-speak. I will find a way to make up and promise to catch up with you guys on all these years that dreams has robbed us of.
I love all of you very much
- Ememobong - girlfriend, i miss you like crazy...have you ever thot of getting your intl passport fixed, dont you think itz time to do some travelling?
- Enobong - your name says it all sweet, you are truly a gift to the family. Stop at nothing in excelling to the shame of haters..did you go for the THISDAY music festival in Lagos? I wouldnt wannaa miss that!
- Abas - tight man! Im feeling your waves from here. Thank you for walking in ma shoes. you will be looked up unto...never let the dreams die, it tarries but is sure to manifest!
- Ib boy - man, you should come online sometime letz talk....forgive me...about yur football dreams, im with yu 100%. im gonna send you soccer boots as a soon as I can ship 'em.
- Nsikak - Dude! we share the same birth-month and I believe in you as a GREAT man, no matter what!
- Uyime - babegurl, I heard you grown into a tall beautiful damsel, how could life make me miss that!
Mama and Papa, you guys are the best in the whole world, I ma make you guys proud of me...I feel so save and secured when I think of how much times you guys are in your knees talking to Jesus about ma well-being. He is taking good care of me, dont worry much. May God continue to bless yu with wealth and health...
the shoutout also goes to all The Matthews' lovers al over the world..you guys are gems...may GOD make you tight....Amen
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