Friday, August 29, 2008


The love she thought she had was shared
Cos every heir had a say
Heaps of hate on her head
If only they could make out why
Why she is so fair and frail
Yet all her suitors phase and fail
Was it the ways of men,
Their haste for taste
Was it the waste of when?
When perfect shows, I’ll take
The love she thought she had was hate
Cos every them was the same
When she reels, she may never wrap
For on the lips of hapless men she rode.

©Ub M - 290808

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Moment fades into vision
Dactyls crawl to a stop, to listen,
To the footsteps of rain tiptoeing on the rafter
Hoping to hear a rhythm
To make music
For the lyrics silence wrote
But, tick-tock tick-tock
The second-hand hurries away
With each stride, sets a pace
As though to a place,
A place,
where language dances to the rhythm of the rain
and with each tap of keys,
The music transpose with briskness.
Like reflex, the door swings with the ensemble
Squeaking a perfect ad lip as it is carried along by the wind
And as the thunder claps to a crescendo
The applause wakens my pulse
To reveal the only music playing, as the tap on the keyboard,
And the melodies of solitude in my head

©Ub M - 260808