Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Once she comes, the wanton bird,

She clings to many-many handsome men,

She brings her fairy god-mother’s tale,

And clips the wings of hapless men.


Once he comes, the worthless man,

He blinds her eyes with shimmering bling,

He clothes her mind with seemingly bliss,

And strips her soul of dignity’s piece.


Once she comes, the wanton bird,

She plays the ’Hail Mary’ medley piece,

She sings until she breaks her bill,

And flies away to other means.

©Ub Matthews - 261009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

the boy or girl

You are a boy in a funny shirt

And, I wear my skirts rolled, twice at the waist

We are at odds, but we must have our reasons


We are strangers with contrasting views

We sit two at a table of four

We talk loud, but no one hears each other


It isn’t arrogance or deniable truth

It isn’t anything that ever was, and will be

It is fact that there are two empty red, plastic chairs by the corner


I confess, on some days,

I tug at these strings more anxiously than I should

With more desire than I would dare loose on you


I wait breathless to feel the air suck me close to you

I wait for time that comes and ensnares me dearly

I pray for a table, the one with the two red, plastic chairs


I might just be a crazy girl with trembling arms

Holding up both ends of the rope

I might just be living a two man’s life,


But, if you are what you love and not what loves you back

Then maybe, I am the boy who likes funny shirts

And you, fold your skirts twice at the waist.

©Ub Matthews et Anis Syahirah – 240909

Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Life

The sky changed its mood again and blackness colored the once cherry sun.

The distant chime of midnight sways with the wind,

Carrying along whispered prayers to the night.

Once again a day bows in exit,

I lie awake; my mind wanders, lost in the galaxies,

A thousand bright eyes staring down on me

Did they awake just to watch me sleep?

Are the angels really watching over me?

With eyes wide shut, I begin to slip

Deep, deep into oblivion…

One time went by, and two is almost done

Tomorrow merges with the past, and,

Once again I am caught, gathering up pieces of a life

One that passes as swiftly as the evening shadows

Leaving only warm memories as company by nightfall

The good life – I think, the good life – I think

The Good One I thank for the good life I’ve lived.

©Ub M - 010809

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A tribute to Micheal

….you lived, you  died, now you’ll just live in our hearts, may more men like you be born.

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12th

Most Nigerians and perhaps West Africans would be familiar with this date. Something to do with democracy, elections and Moshood Abiola, the stupendously rich bloke that could have been Nigeria’s democratically, free and fairly elected president after long years of military rule.

Who knows what path Nigeria would have taken if that happened? Maybe we could have been better off with him or perhaps, running in circles still, we’ll never know!

The elections was held no doubt, peaceful and un-rigged, first of it’s kind in Nigeria, he probably won, but he was never president for one day! He was mapped!

Couldn’t care the less about politics just yet, it’s just that I needed to post something here today just to tell myself that I tried and my dormant head reminded me of a date that I haven’t thought about in more than 5years.

Couldn’t be bothered using my head today,if it needs to time-out, let it rest all it wants!

Monday, May 18, 2009

my dead fish

.....so, I decided to go fishing for the first time in my life with my brothers from another mother and after a long winded drive down the dusty fishing settlement, a couple of beers and about 4hours of casting in the sun, again, I managed to catch my maiden fish, hooked it up right in the mouth but it was already dead!
Did I say that a few more got away and that I was the only one in our team of regular fishermen who caught something? Please, be proud for me! As long as I know that fishing is not really my sport, there is no harm in going to shop for my own fishing rod right? Say it was a good change from the routine of things.
...and yeah! black men do get tanned. I have a few tan lines from shooting the Suzuki ad for 2days in the sun as proof....ain't that a shame! I am a dalmatian.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Visions in flashes, and melody, and crashes
The leap to step, and the heap of mistake
Distress calls, the stake just raised
Here is the vanity of haste,
The enormity of waste
Was it karma? Is it common?
Long nights and a brief dawn
Is it Tuesday?
There are footsteps of night on the wet lawn
Lights flashes, twice, static
Life’s champion lies, panting
Drowned in cheers and sweat
He won the race that has not finished
The fight against self, the race toward time
A mind against will,
A basket full of wishes

©Ub Matthews - 100509

Friday, April 17, 2009

Shattered – A Remix of Anis’ Story

I watched you
I watched your silhouette block the light
Beams of light rushes in from the open door,
Throws a spotlight on you
The reflection illuminates my messy mind
In a moment it is swept away

The night closed and we surrendered to cold,
Making our way through spills and shattered glasses
Shivering, from cold and fear of shattered chances
One two minds, is this one mine?

The speech in my head cancels the words on your lips
I heard what you said, not the ones from your lips
In heaps, tears begin to form…
My quicksilver frozen tongue,
All the things you should know,
I surrender,
I surrender as cold tears travel down my chin

© Ub Matthews et Anis Syahirah -170409

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

quartely report

I just felt like coming plain this time around, non-lyrical, non-poetic plain, about the events that have consumed my time lately. April is always a special month for many reasons for me, It comes with the beginning and ending of many phases in my life.
Lately there is so much to write about, but very little enthusiasm. Sitting at the waiting area in a specialist medical center today, thoughts started flooding me and I wish I had a means to document them as they came. I decided to do it summarily, a report on my life or the events that have occurred that I shall remember these few days.

My future in the country:
So as not to dwell too much on this topic, I am going to be straight. It will be very difficult to leave this place no matter how good the opportunities that present itself in greener pastures. I always thought otherwise. I didn't realize how much I got used to this place.

My brain activities:
With amnesia setting in and the clock ticking, I decided to pick up a few things to deal with my almost dormant head.

o Scrabble

I picked this up sometime last year but got into a competition this year and surprisingly I was very eager to be in the first five (5) which would mean beating all those seasoned players who have been doing it before me for years. That was not to be but I nonetheless got a price and a certificate for the 11th place! Dig that!

o Music

Ok, I am not very proud of my achievement in this department but, I have come a long way learning stuff by myself thus far. I have tried my hands on many instruments; maybe being a jack of all trade had a hold on me, I can barely say that of all the instruments (guitar, keyboard and drums) that I have flirted with, it appears to be only my drumming skills that is honing. This might be partly because I get to do it every other week in church.
I have a sea of materials that could be recorded songs someday but lack of resources is slowing me down. I have tried taking vocal lessons online to strengthen my already diminishing vocal strength but the motivation slips away too often.
Yeah, I have broadened my music ears too as many might notice, I am now listening to and enjoying music that could make many brothers’ ear tingle and I don’t give a damn how ‘white’ they think I have become...I am just grown.

· Sports
Football is still my thing no doubt but I grabbed the opportunity to inflict pain on people the minute it came. Some scout saw me in a football game and told me to try out for rugby, courtesy of my build and speed, I thought about it and started training!
It is becoming fun to train as I now have a faint idea of the objectives of the sport. I joined as a pure novice but I am not given any special treatment at all! I am supposed to just watch, play and blend in. The challenge is helping me grasp it more, despite the fact that it makes me feel stupid nonetheless.
I felt so out of place at first, for starters, until I went for a shower after training, I have never seen that much variety of penises in my whole life! It is very amazing the different species of ‘map’ that folks hide under their pants, even I was in awe!
I still have the ‘yikes’, when I think about the water that we have to drink on the pitch, folks have to scoop it from a cork container with cups and ice in it. The cups are shared and people just scoop the water with them and throw them in again after they are done drinking.
The water is mixed with all sorts of things, blood, grass, sweat, sand, boogers, hair, pvc, ice blocks, etc….I have to bring my own water to the pitch now….fuck team spirit! My stomach is too fragile I am already spending most of my savings trying to figure out what causes the severe stomach aches I have been having lately. This being me to the next point;

· Health
I try to be as healthy as possible, minimize my exposure to cigarette smoke, dust, drink clean water often and all those other nonsenses that are supposed to help me live a long, ill-free life but, yeah, this recurrent stomach aches I have been having is almost making me a sissy despite my efforts to brave up so, I decided to deal with it…squarely. I finally got to fix an appointment and get an ultrasound scan; I have been putting this off for 6months now mainly due to the recession today...hehehe.
I realized how ultrasound scans have been stereotyped as a women-only procedure. Not wanting to be on the waiting list for an appointment I had with my doctor for it in June, I decided to go see a private specialist. The first clinic I walked into was a “LOH WOMEN’S SPECIALIST CLINIC”, I will forgive the nurse who almost walked me away after she found out that I was gonna be the one getting the scan and not a female partner. She told me it is a women clinic/procedure only and I stood my ground until one Dr. Loh took my 70bucks, smeared me with gel, said a couple of weird things and then recommended me to a REAL specialist a couple of blocks away who, repeated the same procedure, with softer hands but for a higher fee, explained some jargons, caressed, told me that my bilateral kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen, liver were in top-shot condition, and that I didn’t have suprarenal masses and an obvious paraaortic lymphadenopathy, gave me printed-out pictures of my abs and a report of what she just said and, sent me to go see my doctor, again, and, come again, for a ‘scope’ to rule out any intestine abnormalities on the recommendation of my doctor.

· Social Life
I made a vow to go out and dance every night except Sundays and Mondays for as long as it is fun, it has been wicked fun! And I have kept that vow so far! hihi
Ok, this babble will have to pause here, my head spins and I can’t be bothered to save it and continue again…such has been my life, the outline at least…..to be continued perhaps!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Ok, So, Sara randomly sends me a link, it is an online dictionary with the acroymns/definitions of my uber cool name, 'Ub'.....I am so cooled out that I decided that I am going to do stuff that I don't do often, re-post the excerpts in a bulleted remixed format....

  • The state University New York at Buffalo - Largest and most prestigious University in New York State. Professors here supposedly have English language deficiency
  • Under a blanket
  • Unknown Bittie - a hottie that you do not know personally
  • United Bamboo - an Asian gang
  • Un Boyfriend - like a booty call or fuck buddy for those of you smouks who don't like the four-letter word( this one is gay!)
  • Underage Boobies - this is the funniest! Used to describe the bossom of a hot under-18 year old girl, one that screams 'look-but-dont-touch!'
  • University of Buffalo or Ugly Bastard - Used to diss, "is UB Ugly Bastard or University of Buffalo?'
  • Ulan Bator - The capital of Mongolia. It is supposely cool if it is 'UB'
  • University of Botswana - I just added this one to the list but I am certain they call it UB.

Here is the link to the copyrighted site in case any of you muschicks(sic) cry plagarism....SHUT UP! it's my name! hihihihihi http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?page=2&term=ub

Isn't this handsomely and coolio and lame in a sense! I am not a perv but I the underage boobies thing knocked me off my stool

Monday, March 09, 2009

My White Dress

Veiled in white
Whirling and whistling
I think I feel
Just like a princess
*hiss* the gentle wind says;
…and I sway,
Serenaded by passive silence
Feels like freedom
Free as wisdom
Like birds and dancing trees,
Like nature and crying rocks
I put on my white dress
I feel like a whirlwind

©Ub Matthews-120209

So, I decided to play with Sara's (http://annawhispers.blogspot.com/) words literally. I wanted do something on a topic sentence that has been playing in my head for most of the time we was at the orphanage today. Some kids kept saying stuff that I thought I could build a material on and then I came home. While conversing with Sara for like 10minuteish, I stole some of her words and played with it. Forgive me Sara, but I had to post stuff here today.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Laugh me

An anonymous follower of my blog said today, “u blog can make me laugh when im boring or unhappy”(sic). “What do you mean”, I quipped, "I don’t post funny stuffs". “im saw when you starting at Malaysia”(sic). Only then I dawned on me that the post being referred to be my pioneer posts, obviously, the blog follower wasn’t the kind that would appreciate the caliber of materials I publish often nowadays.
I was almost certain that no ‘right-thinking’ person (pun intended) would be reading my archives of published materials, how wrong I was! I immediately decided to re-visit the posts and much to my chagrin, I laughed after reading the first material I blogged.
A very dear person recently confessed to be an ‘attention whore’ in the past life, while writing this, I was thinking of what alias could have fitted my past life, I am still thinking…but, I must confess that I did crack a few smiles too reading some of the craps I posted, I think it was insightful that my blog is titled, ‘Shitz n Stuffz’, I could always attribute one to another and vice versa.
Among the things I am glad about is the fact, no matter how much my published materials have evolved; I have not stopped publishing altogether. Most of the people that inspire me to start this blog have long ceased to write or blog, whichever the case is. I can also say that according to my archives of published materials, ‘when I was a boy, I thought, acted and wrote like a boy, now that I am a man…. say WHAT!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two Mothers

Two eggs and a nest
A mother and her wings
Perching, silently on twig,

Too scared for rest
A mother on her knees
Crouching solemnly on couch,

Took years and a tears
A mother and offspring
Raising voices at each other,

Two mothers and a love
The mommy and the hummingbird
Singing lullabies to little juniors,

Nests weaved with a beak,
Words sealed with a peck
One human, one not
Two mothers and, they love.

©Ub M - 200209

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Here is a testament, a story of love shared
She assumed, ‘…freely received, freely give’,
But, was it enough to go around?
Hand me two loaves and five fishes!

Here is the melody of yap yap yap,
A cover song for deep-seated hate
Now tell me who believes in fate,
For what goes around, surely do come around

Hear them speak in muffled tones
‘She loved the one and rugged another’,
Was she drugged?
See! Sleepwalks with such frantic pace

Here is a dream with a moral punch
Not as much as sweet as last night’s wish
A quick blow as the eyes blink
Why must conscience suffer for sins of abundant grace?

©Ub Matthews-120209

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Killed by the rain

Trickles of rain
Trick, trick, I sleep.
Deep, peaceful, as a morning death
Pieces of me sprawled about,
Lifeless, listening as fear moves about.
Thunders clap as lightning steals the light,
Packets of sweat bond with my frightened skin,
Yet still, I sleep,
Killed, my fingers crawl still
Is death as sweet as this?
Is there a street of gold?
I wait, for I am scared to haste
Still, I lay
As heavy as the rain
Still, I pray
Carnal, nonetheless
Trickles of rain, tingles and tears
I am killed by the rain.
©210109 - Ub Matthews