Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Life

The sky changed its mood again and blackness colored the once cherry sun.

The distant chime of midnight sways with the wind,

Carrying along whispered prayers to the night.

Once again a day bows in exit,

I lie awake; my mind wanders, lost in the galaxies,

A thousand bright eyes staring down on me

Did they awake just to watch me sleep?

Are the angels really watching over me?

With eyes wide shut, I begin to slip

Deep, deep into oblivion…

One time went by, and two is almost done

Tomorrow merges with the past, and,

Once again I am caught, gathering up pieces of a life

One that passes as swiftly as the evening shadows

Leaving only warm memories as company by nightfall

The good life – I think, the good life – I think

The Good One I thank for the good life I’ve lived.

©Ub M - 010809


anisatomic said...

somehow, it reminds me of something i can't quite put my finger on.

Unknown said...

lol, maybe you should try putting other body parts on it except the finger..might help! :D