Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thai Day!

I have been trying to coin a theme for everyday now. See which activities overwhelmed which and qualified to be used as a theme, trying to diversify my posts.
Up till evening, I was thinking 'Traffic Day' after spending like 7 hours in total on the road for a trip of about 20km, until later in the cool of the day while I am reminiscing, it dawns on me that it might as well be called 'Thai' Day. Not that it is a Thai holiday or something but the fact that all my meals for the day coincidentally was at Thai restuarants. So, I am thinking, I enjoyed these meals very much and I had the appetite for a square meal after such a long time, it qualifies to be themed!
I kind of realised that I have been very busy too! Up to the point where I forget to return calls and confuse conversations with different people...maybe it should be themed, 'Busy' Day...who cares!

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