Friday, October 13, 2006

show me the lurve

back like Moses to return the law.................took a lotta guts and efforts to return to this page. I woulda thot it was gone forreal.
A lotta thots, dreams and aspirations have gone undocumented and i feel like i deprived a generation of a chunk of knowledge. Like it is always said, a lot of water has passed over the brigde and boy! itz been a hell of an experience. Life has been fair and unfair for a respective amount of time and i couldnt have been more grateful.
Projects are been completed and new ones started, higher responsibilities, makeups and breakups and the other troubles of life. Life is now about living for the now, tommorrow remains vaguely uncertain. The fun part is that it makes me face it day with a renewed might and vigor.
A situation occured last evening that triggered an uncontrollable stream of liquid emotions. I sobbed like a bitch for quite a season and coulda killed this wifey to trying to console me. I really wanted to let it out....yeah....i let them tears flow if i cant hold 'em still the man.....and tommorrow is a better day. Show me some lurve.
Im on gear to weary ma eyes and perhaps yurs if yu are so silly to be still reading this, but like ma mom always said...."moderation babe!". I will accumulate the information to desemmilate it in a brievity. For now, be needing some love.
Like another warmup for a sequence of paper and ink
bits and bytes,
shitz and stuffz.
I commence a journey to the unknown again
with ma sanity and intuition hopefully intact
only this time knowing that im treading on stormy waters
which keeps me nonetheless in the know

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