Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Good Friday

Good friday this year for me came on a wednesday! Kindda unique not just because it is the 26th, which happens to be my homeboy's bday, unique events did actually take place today! I couldnt help it but tell to whoever dared to listen that it was a good day indeed, honestly!
Started out contemplating waking up or continuing good sleep in the Horner's guest room, ended up running 20km/hr for about 10mins at the clubhouse gym, very exhausting! God meeting my immediate needs to, very important phone calls coming through, to dissapointments turning into blessings, etc etc.
This is my way of saying 'thank you' to the big man for giving me such a fulfilling day, I am so grateful! It was like I could get anything I asked for, too bad I only realised this when the day was almost running out. tommorow is a better day!

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