Thursday, May 19, 2005


Hello, I am a Rotteweiler and I am 7years old. I have been taken away from my family and I miss 'em so much. Please if you find me, return me to the address below or call this number. A reward of RM300 will be given to anyone who finds and returns me. thanks."
Hmm....have you ever doubted the fact that Dogs can speak? Well, don't! Not only do they write now, they type using the Computer as well! thanks technology!
The above phrase was apparently posted around one of the streets in ma hood by a DOG! Dig that!
Itz amazing the turn of events in the neighbourhood. I bet if some dude went missing, they'd probably might not put that much reward hanging over their heads..talking about Preference and Partiality.
About rewards, doesn't it have to do with surprises? something yu don't really deserve have no idea what the value might be? Well, times are changing and you could know the exact monetary value of your reward (might as well negotiate for'em).
This is the exact thing that is ruining our world. Our wanting to put monetary value on every goddamn thing, even the Priceless ones. This has itz pros and cons as it provides job opportunities(get into the neighbourhood and kidnapp dogs and fix a ransom). Why can't we just encourage people to get rid of this pay-me-for-shit attitude or better still let that element of surprise lurk. It not only makes honest citizens but prevents scam-heads asswell.
Paying a couple of dols for the stalker to return your expensive Dog instead of buying and raising is new one is worthwhile ain't it? Economists speak-up!

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