Tuesday, June 14, 2005

faith in spam!

I decided to be little more lenient and easen the security policy on ma email so that I will not have to filter off likely important messages in the process. I learnt ma lesson!
After about 20mins of deciding to let the messages in ma bulk folder remain for a week before filtering off, I realised that I had about 230 'junk' mails instantly!
There is cause to be mad at this things but, I tend to channel ma frustrations into good positive things now. The amazing thing about spam is the 'optimism' that is involved. I got messages like, "If Arnold Schwarzenegger can do it, you can do it too!"; "Ub - credit no problem!; "Get a pay advance today" and the likes of these shitz. Itz alright to get infatuated once in a while and indulge. I tend not to rule out the fact that not every spam is spam..miracles can happen and you really hit a jackpot from one of these internet 'hulllabooms' but, this I approach as subtily as a reall nigga. I have had ma share of lesson and I learnt it real good.
When you feel like you've lost hope on stuffz. Just logon to one 'o these sites. Fill up the shitty forms, don't pay any 'moderation' fees and hope for something big to hit ya account. If ya ask me,..........I'll say that is FAITH!

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