Sunday, June 19, 2005


Sunday was a very good day. It coulda been sad as a very good friend and sister was leaving for a whole month, but, we had unbridled, undefined fun.
It did not cross ma mind that there wa this mini-haven of fun right here int he city, I chanced upon it when a friend suggested we hang out there. Straight back from church with ma clothes still on I breezed in the Park with a heave of more than four(4) nationalities represented - Norwegians, Syrian, Phillipinos, Chinese and Nigerian. It was something that I have missed in like years so I not only indulged in frenzy, I saved some memories as well.
The first spot was this make believe Waterfall. It was short-lived as it got turned-off sooner than we expected but it was enough time to get to the crest of the fall and tumble down after losing some grib. For a while I saw maself coming....but when I could feel 'ground' under ma feet again, I knew there must be a God that really loves me. If you hear that fun kills don't doubt it.
Football, money-watching, fishing for fingerlets, trekking, shooting and you name it! Somehow, we stole some show as people couldn't help taking a quick galnce at this multi-national group staging some stunts and laughing away like there was no tommorrow....Well, the hullabooms of the evening continued till dusk when we had to bid farewells and bounce. It wasn't really a sad ending story as we time and chance will surface again. In da mean time, I gotz to fix ma brain for college. I think I am really missing like more than a week's work to stress and fun. Pace out

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