Saturday, June 18, 2005


Today seems to have a lotta surprises in da offing. Not only did I wake up late and still bloody sleepy, I hiked a cab to college only to find out that there was a quiz on the class I missed for other shit going on.
I told the lecturer but she told me to sit anyway. After browsing through the 3 questions for about 5mins, I decided that the best thing to do was to hand the shit in. Now, thatz the first time in ma whole educational life that I handed in a blank shit of paper. It so embarrasing. The funny thing is that people thought that 'mr. smarty pants' had finished answering all the question under 5mins. Howz that!
I am still determined to face the rest of today and discover what it has in store for me today. Is it a bad day, I'll say NO! I am just having a variation in the turn of events which is a very welcomed development...and, I am out of here.

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