Sunday, March 27, 2005


Yesterday a vry busy day at the later part of it. I wish it had remained the same from dusk. I was not doing any compulsory thing but I missed ma first bus to training and felt so bad about it. It wasn't a bad day, I would disagree. I eventually got to training at 7:40something but the coach still fielded me. I had the best game in a long while.
An x-rail picked me up and sent me alongside other kpods to church to practice some stunts for sunday. I did enjoy that as well! Back home, there was this looming surprise. One 'o ma dwags is leaving for the states, and dropped by to give peace to the homies. Itz so amazing, he got his visa from malaysia even as a foreigner. A jack of spirit drained down our oesophagus as we talked about nothing. Apparent the last time we'd meet here in Asia....Nu York city here we come!
I can't believe I am late for training today again. This may be owing to the fact that I slept pretty late last night. I jumped outta bed straight into ma clothes and bounced to college in hope to hike a ride there but...tsk. The next ride'd be moving by 9:41am and I would have been 41 minutes late for the shit. It is kindda funny ma whole sleep regime thingy. Sometimes, I just can't find ma center to relax, other times, I droop like an hare. Hey! I'd better get outta here..I got to ride.....peace!

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