Tuesday, April 26, 2005


For some weird reasons all ma lecturers today delivered their lectures with a really heavy breath of 'accent'. I was lost at trying to understand the meaning of the "English" that I lost out on comprehensing the technicality of the subject matter. Yurk!
I really don't know why this 'people' should be given the priviledge of tutoring international students or is this a joke? It is really becoming a challenge. We were not for-warned it would come to this. I lost a whole '10marks' to some 'Language' flaws. The funny part of it is that, I don't know who to heap the blame on!
I really pity the students who depend on either the lecturers or thier fellow mates to spice up their knowledge of 'the' language because, they ain't geting no rebate. If given options I think most of the lecturers would prefer to use vernacular to dissipate knowledge.....wonder who'd be getting shit!
I can guarantee that most of the folks might graduate with first class but, their English language is not going to improve even by 0.5% for the three years that they are going to spend in college. I wish I could be of help. The percentage of students that learn or improve the language prowess in college is getting very negligible and something should be done about it urgently by peope who care or, it gets very astronomical.
People have their own opinions about preserving the culture and shit but I tell you that 'the' language is very much a unifying factor. The are a lot of factions in the society and if that is to be looked into, it might be seen that the dividing factor might be 'the' langauge.
I had the experience too! In my circle of friends, people are very meticulous about 'this' language that they'd laugh the living daylights out of you if you did as little as a grammatical error not to talk about outright blunders. Itz bad but, we were challenging ourselves and it paid off. No matter how much you read, spoken(conversational) English would always be the in-factor in improving both vocabulary and grammar...Ok, I am beginning to feel like a lecturer now.
I am being very lazy. There are lots of work to do but I am kindda working on food instead. Ate till I almost got broke....feel me! It took a lotta efforts to get ma fingers on the board..I shouldn't have!

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