Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I made mountains out of mole hills and was amazed at how paltry things turned out. Itz taught me not to be presumptous but to handle matters more gracefully than assiduously.
I am trying to get back in phase with life. I had gone out of phase with it. It appears I am not very apt to doing that but, doesn't a journey of a thousand miles thats with a single step? I got home on monday evening a very courageous dude. What brought about the courage is still 'fuzzy' to me.
Somehow, I needed this courage because I was to be faced with situation that would devior it. After sweating to pay-off my bills, my house agent said the contract between him and the owner would expire this month's ending. I am still wondering why the fcuk did he not tell me this before-hand. I am more excited than dissapointed that at last, I have been given the push to leave the goddamn apartment. I was fast getting myself to learn to get used to it. I am now burdened with this rigors of finding a 'nu' place during this exams period....tsk....After making some out-of-the-blues call, I hit me bed.
Yeah, I hit it so hard that I was not up until 'bout 11:41am the following morn. Gat one class today by 2:30 so I took my time to prepare. Mr Fu's Eng. Maths class is one that I always look forward to; It's my best class at the moment and I would be so cross if I missed 10mins of it.
It might sound goofy but forreal, I get so down when I get back my test-scripts and find out that I am short of getting all the answers correctly. Again, I missed out 5 out of 30 fcuken marks to fcuken mistakes. I learnt before-hand about Mr. Fu's strictness so I was careful not to make any silly ones( I am fond of it!). ...Yet, not even going over my answers the third time could stop my eyes from noticing that I left out a 'j' in the course of simplifying a complex number.
The cost of silly mistakes is enormous. I was among the lucky ten that passed the test and might have tied the highest mark in class with some other two fellows but I am far from being excited. Mistakes have cost me lots in life and I've got to deal with it squarely. I'll see you when I am done.

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