Saturday, October 02, 2004

...all is Vanity".

Itz happenned and itz happenned...shitz happenned and itz time to remininisce.....This is the worse part of my life..when I have to sit back and think.... about all the stuff thatz happenned in my fews days of sojourn here. After all the 'funs' and 'bore' whatz next?..ain't all this things futile? I mean you just see that at the end of the day you are deserted....friends home with their loved ones and you feel so. I understand why people commit suicide - not that Iam contemplating one.
'Vanity is vanity! all is vanity!' one of ma favorite quotes..but do we have to just sit down and watch the dawn slip into dusk?.... we are fated to do this things that at the end of the day will actually amount to absolute 'nothingness'. We just have to lay the cards right so at the long-run, we can bask in the memoirs 'stead of lurk in regrets.
I am getting serious here and I hate it...Playas sledom get serious......hahah....looks like I am going to be a loner in this tight buds and homies are hooking up and every bodyz looking in ma direction...."wherez she, Ub?" That might just have to be defined as a rhetorical question because...I got no answer for it baby! - at least not yet.
People see me with lotz of shortyz and are confused as to - whoz happenning? but, you can't just nail me guyz...this humans need some love...and I really got no problems sending it out. On this waves, I am still hoping Ms. Charming struts along soon and sweeps yours-truly off his feet. hope it won't be a bad fall.
An incident occured of ma feminine friends introduced me to her sister - who just came in from the states for holidays as her boyfriend! WHAT!....hmm....ladies..don't hold this against me. I have lotz of "girl- friends"( not disputing!) but Ub has got no hook yet...don't know what the ladies are waiting for!
Ma Telekom test was not very bad, I am so mad that I might have to miss more than five fcuken marks....dammit!..I really needed a sweeper! So, the test ended ma romance with lecturers today...the rest is...flirting time. People gimme daps and hugs...that must be lust!- pardon- love! Ne'wayz, It good to have good friends around you..I am Leo and one of ma things is that I just can't help missing ma buddies..I love hanging out and talking about shitz and stuffz until either someone gets a sore throat or someone develops itchy ears. I wish we could be together in a place forever!......(wouldn't that be boring?)
Lotz of activities are going on in campus today....wonder what our college is turning to - A shopping mall! This kindda environment is really gonna affect the students performance this shcool year( check out the perf. @ the end of the year). Had lunch and gave love to some homies and soon I am left with a handful of buddies to laught at silly jokes..I shall come-back here...seems like I have written much already....don't want to weary you with shit!...who wants to read shit anywhere?
So Friday part I is over...I gist you on the aftermath pretty soon...pray I don't think up any mischieve this 'weakend', I gotta study for Mr. Lo's Electric Circuits test on Monday....don't wish me Luck!..I don't use it.....and Iam outta here.

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